Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread



Pottery producing maniac
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Feb 1, 2010
Southern Virginia
I just heard that travel to the US from Europe has been suspended except from Great Britain. This also includes all trade.
What have you experienced, and are you experiencing shortages in your area? Have you been sick, or do you have friends or family that are?
Italy has closed commerce except for pharmacies and food stores.


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Can't find hand sanitizers anywhere. Target had a sign that you could only buy so many BUT all the shelves there were empty.

Ive Got toilet paper (extra) which don't really need, have a large pkg not opened - bought it b-4 Xmas. My son visits at Xmas and usually goes through most of it.

Dollar Tree - cleaned out, couldn't find any similar products at Wally or Tarzhay, for cleaning hands. But, they had something to wipe down tables etc. I got a couple packets of those.They don't sound user friendly. Label says after use, thoroughly scrub down area, used on

The senior bus transportation dispatcher told me buses all have face masks if needed.

I have found most of our seniors do not get flu shots, some don't even see doctors or dentists. Honestly they pull their own teeth - diagnose themselves and treat with OTC products - not knowing what they really have.

I have major worries about them. But most are older than me and bragging they are still here. :idunnoHow to you argue with that?
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Well I live in one of the hot zone areas. Hubby's company asked people to work from home for the rest of the month but I personally haven't changed a thing - we're still eating out on weekends, I still make my 2 or 3 grocery runs a week. But I feel we're pretty low risk despite being in a hot zone. We're naturally isolated as our house sits alone on a private driveway and with hubby at home and me gardening and tending to animals, we're just not getting exposed to many people.

If we do get sick, then we'll self quarantine. I'm more concerned about my mother in law (she just came back from vacation and is still going to her gym classes and knitting circle) but if she needs to self quarantine then we'll be dropping off supplies for her if needed.
Can't find hand sanitizers anywhere. Target had a sign that you could only buy so many BUT
all the shelves there were empty.

Got toilet paper (extra) which don't really need, have a large pkg not opened - bought it b-4 Xmas.

Dollar Tree - cleaned out, couldn't find any similar products at Wally or Tarzhay, for cleaning hands. But, they had something to wipe down tables etc. I got a couple packets of those.They don't sound user friendly. Label says after use, thoroughly scrub down area, used on

The senior bus transportation dispatcher told me buses all have face masks if needed.

I have found most of our seniors do not get flu shots, some don't even see doctors or dentists. Honestly they pull their own teeth - diagnose themselves and treat with OTC products - not knowing what they really have.

This seriously breaks my heart. Are the seniors uninsured, under insured, or just set in their ways? I imagine this is the case in many places. That, along with other factors, makes it nearly impossible to know exactly how many have it and to keep it from spreading. Today is the first time I've heard anyone admit that it's worse/deadlier than the flu. It seems like people are either terrified over it or they're annoyed with everyone over reacting about it. I know we have some cases here in NC and yes, I'm worried about it. My mom, dad and myself all have compromised immune systems. The only product that I've had difficulty finding is some N95 face masks. I did end up finding a box of them but it was the last box. I needed the masks for spraying my coops and duck house, so the masks ended up being a little more than double the price of the permethrin.

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