Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread


Definitely could have used some additional lemon zest but it's very fluffy and bright!
My mom use to make them with my 5 y.o. all the time, and since she gave me some recently... because you know there's a lot...I was going to try them with him and my other boys.
It's the zucchini bread recipe but made into cookies. I was thinking if googling an actual cookie recipe.
After the cookie post I had to go look in my zucchini cookbook and was surprised to see quite a few zucchini cookie recipes. Mainly they were of the oatmeal raisin type or like carrot cake cookies.
The zucchini bread made into a cookie actually makes sense to me because recently I made double chocolate cookies for the kiddo using chocolate brownie batter. They were cookie like on the bottom, and brownie like in the middle. Very tasty!

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