Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

You won't be able to board a plane for a long time since masks are required on most flights worldwide.

LOL Not that he could go anywhere if he did! Americans have been banned from traveling to the VAST majority of the world right now.


Green is where we can go. Black is where Americans are banned. :p
For the non-believers, conspiracy theorists, hoax declarers, mask refusers, climate deniers and all other flat earthers, it may be informative to grasp the reality of dead bodies.
Repurposing refrigerated food transport trucks after first use in New York are now being used in Florida, Texas and Arizona to store bodies because morgues are full.

My state has had 6 new record cases in 9 days.
The country has gone from 3 million to 4 million in the last 2 weeks. That is double from 6 weeks ago.
Looking at that cemetery is quite overwhelming. Just imagining the impact, everywhere, is just... ugh no words. Just sad.

Thank you for sharing though. As difficult it is, it is what's happening right now.
It’s hard to find toilet paper and paper towels here in South Georgia. I buy tuna to mix in with my cat’s wet food and I can only get 4 cans with the oil and 4 cans with the water.
After the first time I went to shop and could find no bottled water I started sticking up on those things when they became available again. We have to have bottled water for drinking because our well water went bad. We go through three 45 bottle cases every two weeks.
I learned back in March it’s best to keep a few essentials on back stock because people get crazy.
It’s hard to find toilet paper and paper towels here in South Georgia. I buy tuna to mix in with my cat’s wet food and I can only get 4 cans with the oil and 4 cans with the water.
After the first time I went to shop and could find no bottled water I started sticking up on those things when they became available again. We have to have bottled water for drinking because our well water went bad. We go through three 45 bottle cases every two weeks.
I learned back in March it’s best to keep a few essentials on back stock because people get crazy.
Ughh! I'm in California and our stores just stocked the water bottles. I noticed not many people are buying as much.
Same with toilet paper and paper towels. They came in stock but I didn't need any at the time... but last time I went, they only had one off-brand available. I should have picked them up when they had it! At the time, I didn't want to buy what I didnt NEED. I am picky about what paper towels i buy though. Then again, I don't NEED them either because hand towels work just fine.
We've got pretty much everything except Lysol wipes here in central PA, but my goodness is it all expensive. I went and bought a small container of sesame seeds and they were nearly 7 dollars for the small McCormick container. :th
That too! I found some at a gas station once last month! I feel like its easter egg hunting without the Easter and without eggs.
we've had limit purchasing for months now, only 2 of any meat product, milk,cleaning supplies
Really?! Wow. They lifted most limit-purchases here except for toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.
I can't imagine, you might need to go back to the store if you run out before the week is over.
That too! I found some at a gas station once last month! I feel like its easter egg hunting without the Easter and without eggs.
Ooh congrats on finding them! I hadn't considered looking for cleaning supplies at gas stations, but I'll have to check the next time I go into town.

we've had limit purchasing for months now, only 2 of any meat product, milk,cleaning supplies
Same here, but the stores increased their limits thankfully. Now it's 4 max of any individual product. It was rough trying to make things like chili when you could only buy 2 max canned beans!!

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