Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I don't mean to jump in late but I just found the thread.
I worried that the lone, masked highway driver was misinformed and wondered what else they may be thinking.
As far as vaccinations, I'm a 66 yo Critical Care RN working on a Covid Unit and can't even get on the waiting list.
Get a gamer kid nephew or niece or friend to register you for the vaccine. You qualify no doubt, but the systems are sometimes only hackable by gamer kidz.
Get a gamer kid nephew or niece or friend to register you for the vaccine. You qualify no doubt, but the systems are sometimes only hackable by gamer kidz.
True dat. My agency's payroll changed from scanning payroll sheets to PDF to screenshots of the host's payroll computer in two weeks. Today (literally) I told my payroll manager I spent two hours turning in my timesheet after my DD, a honors math student gave up!
Get a gamer kid nephew or niece or friend to register you for the vaccine. You qualify no doubt, but the systems are sometimes only hackable by gamer kidz.
No kidding! My friend in the Bay Area got her appointment because she teamed up with a friend with some gaming skills who got into the site for her.

Somebody should list what those gaming skills are for the rest of us.
As far as vaccinations, I'm a 66 yo Critical Care RN working on a Covid Unit and can't even get on the waiting list.
Thank you for serving as a healthcare worker on a Covid unit! And sorry you haven't been able to get on the vaccine waiting list. Hope you are able to get your first dose soon since you are in two of the first tier categories.
No kidding! My friend in the Bay Area got her appointment because she teamed up with a friend with some gaming skills who got into the site for her.

Somebody should list what those gaming skills are for the rest of us.
It basically has to do with having a really fast internet connection that is already installed for playing games + having some 80 wpm typing and refresh skillz to repeatedly enter the site so as to enter the loved one’s name in the vaccine site.

And it really suckz....However some young people will do this through the goodness of their hearts, at least for family members.

Those of us with small families...probably do not have this option....
Part of the reason is that after you have done errand Nº 1, your paws are now dirty from handling money or purse or card or even the merchandise or feed, etc. Yes, hand sanitizer, but there is nothing like washing your hands with soap and running water.
I spritz and rub my hands with 70% alcohol before getting back into the car after each errand stop.

True dat. My agency's payroll changed from scanning payroll sheets to PDF to screenshots of the host's payroll computer in two weeks. Today (literally) I told my payroll manager I spent two hours turning in my timesheet after my DD, a honors math student gave up!

Back to the there a coworker who could take the place of "gamer kid" for you? They'd be somewhat personally invested in you getting vaccinated so you aren't a vector for infection...

You could also just show up at a vaccination site and see what happens...someone may decide to either squeeze you in or get you on the list with their mad computer skillz. 😆

Also, look into whether you can go on the list in a different county than where you live...they may have more qualifying people wanting vaccines in your county, etc.
I'm with you, Ruthster! It's nothing short of stunning that any healthcare worker hasn't been vaccinated.

Here in LA they took care of all the healthcare workers, all the hospital staff, all the first responders before anyone else got a shot. I think it was a month or more before anyone else could get a vaccination. And in my healthcare system, UCLA, they were still vaccinating anyone who qualified as a healthcare worker, etc -- whether part of the UCLA system or not -- before they did any of their clients. As well it should be!

I'm flabbergasted that there are still people exposing themselves to the virus on behalf of others who haven't been immunized!
Healthcare workers and first responders were first for vaccine here in NY. 30% of them did not want the vaccine last I heard. And many doses were thrown away because of it, open a vile for the couple people that showed up, throw the rest of the doses away because no one else was allowed to receive the vaccine.
Supposedly they have opened it up for essential workers awhile back, but I still haven't heard of anyone that has been allowed to get it. I know where I work wants us to get it but still haven't heard anything.

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