Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

How is everything where you folks are? Where you are can you and do you attend gatherings like church, club meetings, concerts, etc? We can do all of those things here. We went to hear one of our favorite song writers last week. It felt pretty normal. Only the young people wore masks inside. People were even sharing joints again outside. That’s a change for sure.

At church last week about 1/3 wore masks but nobody social distances anymore. We did have a fellowship meal afterwords. No joints were shared 😉
(Half the church is on ivermectin.)

On the vaccine front Ive noticed tbose who have had Rona before seem to have a much rougher time with the vax than those who haven't had it.

How are things around you?
How is everything where you folks are? Where you are can you and do you attend gatherings like church, club meetings, concerts, etc? We can do all of those things here. We went to hear one of our favorite song writers last week. It felt pretty normal. Only the young people wore masks inside. People were even sharing joints again outside. That’s a change for sure.

At church last week about 1/3 wore masks but nobody social distances anymore. We did have a fellowship meal afterwords. No joints were shared 😉
(Half the church is on ivermectin.)

On the vaccine front Ive noticed tbose who have had Rona before seem to have a much rougher time with the vax than those who haven't had it.

How are things around you?
Where I live just about everyone still wears their masks and social distances while out and about. Here in California, theme parks and stadiums are supposed to reopen April 1. (what are the odds of that :lau)
Glad things are well where you are. I personally don’t attend church since I’m atheist but I drove past a church on Sunday and there was plenty of cars outside. I’m not one for meetings either since I’m a homebody lol.
Where I live just about everyone still wears their masks and social distances while out and about. Here in California, theme parks and stadiums are supposed to reopen April 1. (what are the odds of that :lau)
Glad things are well where you are. I personally don’t attend church since I’m atheist but I drove past a church on Sunday and there was plenty of cars outside. I’m not one for meetings either since I’m a homebody lol.

I hope we can all get some normal soon!
Same where we are as @LittleBrownie. I'm grateful everyone is still wearing their masks and social distancing. Even though I was lucky to get my first vaccine shot, I will still mask and social distance until the majority of people in my area can get a vaccine.

I wear a seatbelt, don't drive under the influence, etc. and generally do whatever I can to keep myself and others safe, so I don't find mask wearing to be the huge affront and inconvenience others do.

In Asia people often wear masks to protect others at the first sign of a cold (especially in Japan). They've been doing that for years and it's not a big deal. I don't understand the toxic, potentially lethal individualism displayed by those who have refused to mask or socially distance throughout the pandemic.

We aren't Christian, either, but it looks like churches around here are still online. Some restaurants have started up outdoor seating again, it looks like all stores are open, and salons have also opened again with room capacity limitations.

Hope everyone stays safe and that we can all get back to a sense of normalcy soon.
Same where we are as @LittleBrownie.
In Asia people often wear masks to protect others at the first sign of a cold (especially in Japan). They've been doing that for years and it's not a big deal. I don't understand the toxic, potentially lethal individualism displayed by those who have refused to mask or socially distance throughout the pandemic.

I like that Japanese way. If one feels sick then wear a mask or stay home.

There is such a thing as “toxic group think” as well.
Things are about the same, here. Restaurants are not open for indoor dining; they have tents set up outside, Folks wear masks while walking around town and, of course, for sure while indoors shopping etc. I, also, do not attend church services; I prefer to have my spiritual time at home. But I get the impression that church services are occurring indoors. I know our local Friends congregation is meeting outdoors for one hour of silent worship and companionship. They also do so over Zoom for those who wish to remain at home.
Things are still a bit away from normal here, however, it is getting better. I got my second Moderna shot 2 weeks ago and have now enjoyed a long awaited visit with the dentist and a hairdresser. Restaurants are opening up to full capacity (within social distancing guidelines) and other venues a.k.a. entertainment are opening up as well. Aside from this devastating pandemic, this hasn't been a totally horrific 12 months for me personally. Today marks the one year anniversary of the lockdown here in Massachusetts. I'm retired so I've been fine with my steady retirement income. DD moved in with me a few months ago while waiting for the housing market to settle down. She works from home so no issue with that. We both feel very lucky during this time. Before things opened up more we were ordering from local restaurants and shopping online regularly to help the local economy. I'm so sorry you have to deal with those rude customers @Tre3hugger. It must be more of a western Mass issue. I've not seen too many of the anti-maskers here in central Mass. I make a point of being very polite and respectful of those grocery store and retail store workers who don't have the option of working from home. It also upset me that these people, who are indeed essential workers have not been given priority for the Covid vaccine. One thing I've learned from this past year is that a persons true character comes out in time of crisis and that the value of treating people with the same respect that you would like is so very important.

[IMG alt="Winter Creek Coop"][/IMG]

Winter Creek Coop


Dec 28, 2020 674 1,694 226
feather13 said:
Same where we are as @LittleBrownie.
In Asia people often wear masks to protect others at the first sign of a cold (especially in Japan). They've been doing that for years and it's not a big deal. I don't understand the toxic, potentially lethal individualism displayed by those who have refused to mask or socially distance throughout the pandemic.

With all due respect The mask wearing in Asia did not prevent the spread of the covid virus. It may not have been such a big deal for some people. But for others it is a very big deal indeed.
Personally I feel the wearing of Masks should have been encouraged as one way of helping to prevent the spread of the virus but I do not in any way believe that it should ever have been forced upon anyone.
Anything that takes away from identity and ability to freely communicate IS A BIG DEAL. That is why it should have always been a volantary act.
There is a group of invisable folk who have suffered imensly in this and that is the group of folk with mental health issues. Folk with conditions like post traumatic stress. People who have been affected negatively by mask wearers in the past. This includes for example those who have had invasive surgery or a traumatic accident where mask wearing medical staff are an intricate part of that memory, Folk who have survived incidents of violence like in an invasion of property, robbery etc, or in the very extreme cases of rape and violent assults.
When you say that Mask wearing is no big deal - try to think of how someone who had been violently raped would feel when they had, had hands pressed over their nose and mouth. How difficult it would be for them to wear a face covering of any kind at all! They would be terribly affected in daily life now for example being able to pick up a loaf of bread at the store or fill the car with fuel or even go to work at all would be extremely challenging, when every one in a mask that is on their radar brings back feelings of terror and threats of violence? Going outside, switching the TV on or even lifting their mobile phone these last months has been horrific.
Sadly my own brother hung himself in October having been through quite a bit of trauma in his life and was unable to cope with lockdowns , issolation and mask wearing. So I know you find it a simple thing to don a piece of cloth and feel it keeps you a little safer but please be mindful that, that piece of cloth on your face may very well do the complete oposite for someone else.
Oes :cool:

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