Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I have been careful with contacts for over a year now and still wait for a invitation to get the vaccine. Scheduled for the first shot end of april/start may.

In my country there’s still a shortage of vaccines. But most people can get vaccinated before the summer. The health workers, 60+ and people with underlying health problems had/ get there vaccinations now.

The new mutations are more contagious and make a lot more young people very sick now. We still have increasing numbers of contaminated people and severe sick people in hospital because of 4 reasons:
1. People are fed up with covid rules and regulations
2. Some people don’t want a vaccination 💉 because they believe anti-vaccers and don’t trust the medics/government.
3. Some people believe they won’t get sick if they get infected and don’t care about the more vulnerable.
4. The government makes strange choices and opened up too much. They make pro-economic choices withouth looking enough at the consequences. Now they don’t even listen anymore to the advises they get from our health care organisation.
Thank you for sharing that info. I live in the US and our family was planning a vacation to Europe this summer, including the Netherlands. I wonder whether we should hold off on making plans, given what you've shared about the covid situation there.

It's so difficult to make any kind of travel plans right now. As far as I know, Europe still requires 14-day quarantine upon arrival from the US, so that makes travel there untenable. (That's not to say I don't support these measures to slow the spread; I definitely do.)
I got my second dose yesterday. Feeling okay.
I wish everyone would get vaccinated for this simple reason: the more people that get Covid, even a very mild case that does not affect them much (like my grand- daughter, who gave it to me), the more it can mutate. And the more it mutates, the more likely it is to become resistant to vaccines, and/or even more deadly. Yes, coronaviruses have always been around. But why did this one cause a pandemic and why is it killing so many people? Because it is a NOVEL, or NEW virus. It is a mutation. The only way to stop it is for everybody to get vaccinated and keep it from mutating even further. That is my plea.

Thank you for sharing that info. I live in the US and our family was planning a vacation to Europe this summer, including the Netherlands. I wonder whether we should hold off on making plans, given what you've shared about the covid situation there.

It's so difficult to make any kind of travel plans right now. As far as I know, Europe still requires 14-day quarantine upon arrival from the US, so that makes travel there untenable. (That's not to say I don't support these measures to slow the spread; I definitely do.)
I definitely would wait until fall or another year to be sure. Late spring is a great time to visit Europe.
I was set to get JJ vac couple weeks ago before put on hold for blood clots, ended up getting pfizer.
Now pfizer is being looked at in Israel after second shot and several dozen cases of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, particularly in men under 30, more than 5 million people vaccinated in Israel, there were 62 recorded cases of myocarditis in the days after the shot. 60 of the patients were treated and released from hospital in good condition. Two of the patients, who were reportedly healthy until receiving the vaccination, including a 22-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man, died.
“The findings were presented to the Pfizer company who replied that they had not had similar reports in the rest of the world and would examine the data,” an excerpt from the report said, adding that the details had also been sent to the US FDA and CDC, who were also investigating."
The report came as Israel marked its first day in 10 months with no new COVID-19 daily deaths reported.


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