Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

doing volunteer medical care to places you wouldn’t go on vacation...i’ve probably had every shot or taken every pill...i figure it can’t be worse than drinking whisky and beer ;)
That's not what you said though. You just said that a person has taken every vaccine if they've ever left the country which is not true.
I was set to get JJ vac couple weeks ago before put on hold for blood clots, ended up getting pfizer.
Now pfizer is being looked at in Israel after second shot and several dozen cases of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, particularly in men under 30, more than 5 million people vaccinated in Israel, there were 62 recorded cases of myocarditis in the days after the shot. 60 of the patients were treated and released from hospital in good condition. Two of the patients, who were reportedly healthy until receiving the vaccination, including a 22-year-old woman and a 35-year-old man, died.
“The findings were presented to the Pfizer company who replied that they had not had similar reports in the rest of the world and would examine the data,” an excerpt from the report said, adding that the details had also been sent to the US FDA and CDC, who were also investigating."
The report came as Israel marked its first day in 10 months with no new COVID-19 daily deaths reported.
every medication or vaccine has’ve just never paid attention since they weren’t on the news. i don’t ever get a flu shot...i only got the covid shot to not wear a mask.
i was speaking more to people who leave our country and go someplace...other than a cruise...europe...people who don’t go on vacations on tour buses. ;)
Still not entirely true. I took 2 vaccines before leaving for some school trip volunteer thing in Costa Rica, and only because they were mandatory to sign up. Otherwise vaccines are a no go for me probably need no extra meds or vaccines to do a cruise and excursions
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You agreed to your own comment probably need no extra meds or vaccines to do a cruise and excursions
My first thought

One tequlia, two tequlia, three tequlia, floor! :th
didn’t mean to agree with myself...but...i agree ;)

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