Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Hi @Beer can ! I am planning a hatch around Easter to check the fertility of our farm eggs after adding some cockerels (they are definitely mating, just not sure if all hens are being covered.) If you know anyone who would be interested in some straight run chicks (most Easter Eggers, a few BYM), please let me know. I visit my daughter near Oneonta a few times a year and could easily meet someone who wanted them! Thinking a few dollars apiece. Hope you are well!
Don't forget the 25% of covid long haulers from b4 the jabs were invented. :( Is same symptoms as these people for quite a lot of long haulers but we still don't got answers either and now news is saying we recover in a year?! Maybe a handful might?. In the groups we recognize these guys as fellow long haulers. They are in the minority, but it is a thing. The majority of long haulers did ok with jab, was a running poll in the international group I'm in. We were pretty scared to get them since we were already messed up. They need to push the drs to keep up with the science of long haulers but it's hard even getting a doc to take it serious even though post viral illnesses have been a thing long b4 now. Same with jab injuries. It might be a small percent, but they are real too.

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