Cost of hens???


12 Years
Apr 14, 2007
So, how much are (laying) hens selling for in your area?? On the 16th I am going to the NC State fair and hope to come home with receipts for a few nice hens..

I have no idea how this works--(Do I make an offer or will there be signs that say the birds are for sell??) But if I am going to take the money/check I would like to know what is a fair and decent price.. I know they will be more expensive but hope to have some healthy birds that are too scared.

Is this a good/bad idea?? I would love to have your ideas, experiences, suggestions..Thank you Dixie
I would think you would spend between $8 to $12 depending on age and if they have started laying.

You can buy 17 week old pullets from McMurray for $10. + shipping.
I see them for free once in awhile but am not sure how old they are. Could be they are only good for soup.

I have actually seen adverts on Craigs list for baby chicks that someone got and was "tired of" so were giving away. I called but was too slow!!
I need to revise my original amount of $7-10 each to about $200 each. You have to add in all the crap you need to make their home better than yours. Chicken wire, 2x4's, timers, lights, feeding trays, waterers, roosts, treat trays, hay or straw, fans, heaters....
LOL, boy-does it add up! Dh did the figures and if I get 12 hens and they lay an average of every other day I need to charge at least 12$ a dozen for the first two yr. and that means I couldn't afford to eat my own eggs!!! LOL
I'll be going this year, I would only buy a good breeding quality bird if I was looking. I've heard people get them as little as a $1. I think they still do auction style purchasing!

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