Cost Per Bird: Colored Rangers

If you keep any layers, maybe you could support the mom and pop store buying layer feed. Or buy other items there, like feeders, waterers, or whatever. Shell corn, for treats. Buy your feed in bulk at the mill, if you can. Purina's probably one of the more expensive options, too. Not saying to feed garbage feed, they need a good feed, but there are quality feeds that are cheaper than Purina. Triple Trust is good. I won't feed Dumor, it's crap. Smell the feed, if it smells bad to you, don't buy it.
You can get a custom blend, choose what ingredients you want for your birds. There are a lot of good formulas around. I know of one person trying soy-free, supplemented with raw milk and kefir, his birds seem to be doing really well. I'll see if I can remember who that is and get back to you.
You might also look into a different brand of feed...make some calls around to your feed stores and see what else they have. See if you can find a brand that has a good price, but still decent quality!

As far as your birds go- 10$ a bird in the grocery store would be a "little" expensive, but not by much- but yours are home-grown, birds... healthier, happier, and IMO altogether BETTER! There are people who are willing to pay more for a non- factory grown bird.
Or for a mushy/string/tough bird that's only being sold because it's a roo or a hen past her 1 year 'prime'.

Depends entirely on the season of course, but I've paid as little as $4 and as much as $6 for a 'whole' bird.
The 'whole' bird doesn't include the livers and gizzards I LOVE, and I've no clue as to origin.

Raising my own, even for $10/bird is in my Someday Plans.
Based on what I've learned it is well worth it, not only for taste, but also conscience... knowing MY animals didn't spend their lives in a small cage and they aren't pumped full of chemicals.

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