Coturnix color experts needed


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
I picked up this girl gonna work with her some and see what comes out of her but at the moment i'm a bit stumped... What is she?

It is female, but no breast spots makes me think the Manchurian gene is involved. but aside from that i got nothing, her coloring is weird... there are aspects of golden, normal pharaoh and Tibetan all in one, not quite sure what to make of her. I think I might try her on a Manchurian male for now, then idk?
not a single reply? what happened to this forum there used to be alot of good color experts here :(
agreed thanks, i had to take a year off to care for a sick family member, but before i left there were more active genetics and color people on the forum, sad to see they must have left
agreed thanks, i had to take a year off to care for a sick family member, but before i left there were more active genetics and color people on the forum, sad to see they must have left
From the pictures, comparing them with other photos at this site, it looks like an Italian Speckled that could be crossed with something else; my guess is one of the Tuxedo lines.
I hope your family member is doing well, and welcome back,
my mom passed on august 1st but atleast i spent alot of time with her :)

I have spec itallians, looks different.. i will try and take a couple new photos tomorrow with them for comparison. Thanks

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