Coturnix Head Injury


Jul 6, 2019
The males I have separated from my first batch decided to turn on one bird in the cage and peck him bloody. Of course, this is two days before butcher day :th
He’s a mess, massive blood loss, eye swollen shut, missing most of the feathers on the right side of his face with dried blood all the way down to his wing, which I think they picked on too. He’s now separated but doing okay, and is drinking water overloaded with vitamins. Has anyone had a quail survive an injury like this?
I’m not opposed to culling him, but I do have access to veterinary wound care products (Nolvasan scrub) and bird-safe antibiotics. Is it worth it to give him a shot? My mom likes the little guy so I’d prefer to keep him around if it’s not cruel to do so.
If it's two days before "butcher day," just do the deed two days early. That is unless the injured one is a bird you intend to keep.

In that case... @Texas Kiki , HELP!

I let my mom pick out one bird to keep as a thank you for taking care of them for a little bit... of course she picked this injured one :rolleyes:
If he was any other male he’d be in the freezer right now haha
I let my mom pick out one bird to keep as a thank you for taking care of them for a little bit... of course she picked this injured one :rolleyes:
If he was any other male he’d be in the freezer right now haha
While you wait for the pros to chime in. Do you have blue kote? That woudl be a good start. Warm water to clean him up and them blue kote to treat the wounds.
While you wait for the pros to chime in. Do you have blue kote? That woudl be a good start. Warm water to clean him up and them blue kote to treat the wounds.

I don’t, but I can definitely grab some. Does it stop the bleeding? I am afraid to clean the wounds until they scab up a bit more because he has lost a lot of blood.
stypix or cornstarch will stop the bleeding, My suggestion would be to remove him to a care ward as you are planning on keeping him for your mom and the others are going to be processed anyways

I've seen others with worse injuries and they healed find, just keep it clean and make sure flies can't get there besides the other stuff

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