Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

We built our first tier of quail cages using 1/2" x 1/2" wire for the bottom. After a few weeks we noticed that some of the poop wasn't falling thru, particularly around the edge of the cages. This starts to build up after awhile. The next tier of cages, we used the 1/2" x 1" and it's working much better. No poop gets stuck and the quail don't seem to mind walking on it at all. It also is much sturdier if you are making the slanted bottom so the eggs roll out. The 1/2" x 1/2" is too flexible and tends to sag after a little while, so the eggs end up "pooling" in the middle of the floor instead of rolling to the front of the cage like their supposed to. We just switched out the bottom of our brooder wire also, which was 1/4" x 1/4". After 2 weeks of age, the quail poop becomes too big and doesn't go through at all, so we switched to the 1/2" x 1/2" for the bottom of the brooder. Works much better and the 3 week old quail don't seem to have any problem walking on it. We don't have coons (we're in the arid southwest), so I haven't had any problems using the 1/2" x 1" wire on the bottom of the adult cages so far. Rats might be a problem, but it's very rare that we get a rat around here. But it's pretty hard to rat-proof a cage, as they can reach through almost anything and chew thru whatever they can't reach thru, if given enough time.
my wire on the flooring is 1/4th I'm almost positive
No poop sticks or anything of that sort. I will measure it maybe tomorow if I remember and get back to you all but i am almost positive it's 1/4 all the poo falls right through. The only thing that sticks is spider webs cling to the bottom sometimes and then feathers will cling to the webs under the wire (causes no problems for th quail as it's on the underside not the inside).

again... im not 100% sure that it's 1/4th but put it this way im 99% positive it is, and havent had ANY problems. Poo goes right through I have a messy ground underneath the hutch to proove it

Thanks guys caught 5 today
AND a palamino broke my 6lb test line

edited to add, im wrong the hutch flooring is 1/2 however in the 2x2 breeding pens, the hardware cloth thats below the existing wire is 1/4th and poo still falls through
No pilling of poo thankfully here
If so i'd have some sick quailies i'd assume
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I have a question about stocking densities. Reading about them it seems they need one square foot each but then I read that 20 or 30 will fit in a 4ft by 2 ft cage????

If I build that size cage, how many jumbos will fit HAPPILY in it?

Oh, and I figured out how to make my cages racoon proof but hubby has vetoed it, seems he doesnt think I should be "modifiying" the landlords shed. It must be a bummer to always have to be the voice of reason round here
I honestly don't go by the 1sqf per bird thing just because the birds normally huddle and socilize together anyhow and as long as they can ALL lay down and sprawl out, walk around, be able to stay away from their water so they dont get wet etc I see anything wrong with it. Since jumbos vary in size (from 6 oz to 13 oz to 1lb in weight) it's hard to say how many would happily fit in that size cage. If you're hatching eggs for this project I'd just grow them up in there and if once they are adult you think they are crammed simple, make a new cage or make dinner!
hey monarc got a question for ya...

So I have some 2 week olds with some babies just a few days old, and one of th girls I think has a pention for being broody she keeps the chicks warm by opening up her wings like a blanket keeping them warm (there is a heat lamp but they preffer her warmth). Do you think that she might become a broody quail? is that possible? Either way she is sure a keeper I am trying to get a pic but when I get close enough to get a good shoot they all move
I honestly don't go by the 1sqf per bird thing just because the birds normally huddle and socilize together anyhow and as long as they can ALL lay down and sprawl out, walk around, be able to stay away from their water so they dont get wet etc I see anything wrong with it. Since jumbos vary in size (from 6 oz to 13 oz to 1lb in weight) it's hard to say how many would happily fit in that size cage. If you're hatching eggs for this project I'd just grow them up in there and if once they are adult you think they are crammed simple, make a new cage or make dinner!

I like the make dinner option best
I honestly don't go by the 1sqf per bird thing just because the birds normally huddle and socilize together anyhow and as long as they can ALL lay down and sprawl out, walk around, be able to stay away from their water so they dont get wet etc I see anything wrong with it. Since jumbos vary in size (from 6 oz to 13 oz to 1lb in weight) it's hard to say how many would happily fit in that size cage. If you're hatching eggs for this project I'd just grow them up in there and if once they are adult you think they are crammed simple, make a new cage or make dinner!

I like the make dinner option best

LMAO me too
I'm keeping them in the backyard and if a cop comes visiting, I'll ask them if they've gotten rid of the crack dealers on the street or the jerk who set my apartment on fire on St Pat's day, thank you very much. I don't intend to release the birds, I don't intend to sell eggs, meat OR birds, I just want to provide for my family.

Seriously though, if you want coturnix quail get em!
Just keep em indoors OR if you're in an area where your neighbors can't see what you've got keep em should have no problems just so game commission doesnt come around often....ours does around here because of bear...but it's legal for me to have coturnix and button quail. I wish it was legal for everyone everywhere so people didnt have to worry.​

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