Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

ahhhhhhhhhh says the now enlightened one, so the white A&M is like a white chicken when it comes to genes it could be hiding anything. my a&M have a little brown on them . I am gonna see what happens lol who knows maybe a new color or really funky looking bird lol

things good here trying to get the farm in order ran really late this year with all the chicken stuff going on
haha its chicken busy crazy here. LOL well and duck crazy.... and pigeon crazy...
Picking up cupuchin (sp) pigeons tomorrow night, then friday morning picking up a pair of calls, oh and tomorrow morning selling my BC marans and MIGHT get a chocolate call duckling!?!?! ANND hoping to buy some call eggs, gettinga bunch of silkie hathcing eggs (BBS) annnd Mottled cochins
OOH and saturday or sunday getting my golden salmon marans eggs i'll be hatching for me and my future golden salmon marans partner! Its safe to say im pretty happy lol.
Thanks, Monarch!! I had so many questions and this answered ALL of them. It's funny how alike they are to chickens. My rosecombs do the same "growl" when they see a flying threat above them.. they turn their heads to the side, hunker down and eye ball it while growling

I feed my rosecombs and cochins game bird feed crumbles for the higher protein so I won't even need to get another feed bin.

The only thing Im worried about is them escaping. I let my chickens alternate free ranging but Im assuming these guys won't come home
I guess I'll have to trim wings just in case and be super careful while cleaning and feeding.

Im so excited to get started and absolutely LOVED Andrea's quail pens... looks like another project for Rusty
Their crows don't seem very loud so maybe this pen can get a bit closer to my neighbors
I'm glad you're excited! As for their crows if your neighbors are fine with your roos crowing they'll be fine with the coturnix for sure

I pulled out a trio for ya! 2 young golden hens and a young golden roo.
the one golden hen I may switch before the swap she had been in with the older birds (she was ready to be) so she's got a booboo on her head so I don't want to bring you a booboo bird if she's still looking yucky by then
LOL But they heal really fast so she may be perfectly fine by then lol!

Either way that's what I chose for ya you'll be amazed how quickly they grow

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