Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

My rosseta tuxedo hen hiding in the grass :p

She is so sweet! Love the pattern in her feathers.
I have a tuxedo, named Penguin, and is quite social, first to hop on my hand when I clean pens and fill feeders.
No idea if make or female, either way has become a real pet. We have a "pet quail" pen with penguin and 3 golden I love the color of.
She is so sweet! Love the pattern in her feathers.
I have a tuxedo, named Penguin, and is quite social, first to hop on my hand when I clean pens and fill feeders.
No idea if make or female, either way has become a real pet. We have a "pet quail" pen with penguin and 3 golden I love the color of.
When its breeding season just vent sex Penguin, some results should come up.
What a helpful thread. I am buying a incubator tomorrow and some eggs this morning when my wife gets home from work. Going to mail order them since I can not find any locally. Has anyone switched from chickens to quail all together, or should I keep raising chickens as well? I really hate the smell from chickens, and they eat a lot. Thats really my only issue with chickens. I tried to let them run one year so they can eat bugs, but they all jumped on the dog and the dog attacked. Wiped out my entire flock of 16 chickens. So at the moment I have 5 new chickens and keep them caged. Chickens also take up so much room. I have a outbuilding with a covered run. Should I ditch the chicken, and pile on the Quail?
So I was feeding Purina sartina game bird grower 30% with great results then the place I used to get it stopped carrying it so I had to switch to manna pro 30%. They are losing weight and eggs have dropped drastically. I found another feed store to get the Purina from I'm just wondering if anyone else had this problem. They also seem to eat way more of the manna pro and its more expensive and the bags aren't consistent. Sometime my crumbles are half pellets which would not be a problem for larger birds but my quail just pick through it leaving the pellets and wasting food. Has anyone else experienced this?
Striker911, I've recently tried both quail and bantam chickens. We live in town and are not allowed chickens. I thought the bantam would be small and quiet enough not to be noticed. I was right about them being small and quiet enough, but they sure were a mess. I started with 4 chicks. One by one they started crowing, at which point the offending bird would be sent to the block. I ended up with only 1 hen. She was the sweetest thing, but sooooo messy. In the end I sent her back to the farm she came from. (The agreement was that if she didn't work out well in town I could take her back to the farm.) My quail have been in stackable cages. Right now I have 17 hens, and they average 16 eggs a day. Since it has gotten cold I don't plan on raising any babies for meat but will start in the spring. They have been so easy to care for. We've had some nasty icy weather the last couple of days, so I've had to cover them and put a heat lamp on them. But generally they do well in their cages. My dream is to have a shed built for both the quail and the rabbits at the back of the yard, but until then we are working out well on the back porch.
FireflyNights, did you keep your hens on the Startena even after they started laying? Robbie told me to switch to the layena when they were 5 or 6 weeks old (I can't remember which right now) and i did. I had about 1/3 of a bag of Startena left, and after a few weeks started adding it to the Layena for the birds, thinking it wouldn't hurt. But when I did that I started noticing eggs that didn't have hard shells, so I stopped mixing the two. I haven't noticed any abnormal eggs since.
Jchny2000, will TSC carry the Purina Gamebird food if you ask them to? I had no idea they would do that. I've been getting mine from Agri Products, and I like doing business with them, but it would be nice to know you could turn to someone else if Agri quit carrying it, or didn't have any on hand.

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