Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

I only have 2 I believe the white one is a a&m. Hoping he is a male. That's why I asked about crowing thanks.
Give him a few more weeks - it won't take long for him to mature! They grow up in a blink of an eye, and then you will be wondering when they will stop crowing. (Some of mine go all night long) When he hits about 8 weeks he will be a lot easier to vent sex if you haven't heard him crow yet and want to be sure.

My babies have never tried to crow at 3 weeks, when they are still that little they are much more interested in when food will arrive than they are in claiming a territory or hens.
Thank you these are my first quail and absolutely find them funny. I have to get them a dust box they are playing in the pine shavings. Hilarious.
Thank you these are my first quail and absolutely find them funny. I have to get them a dust box they are playing in the pine shavings. Hilarious.
They love to bury themselves too. Give them a little hay and watch them hide in it so that just their little heads are sticking out! My ones overwintering outdoors have little holes in the snow leading to their houses - you can barely see their wooden hides under the snow, and the enclosure looks empty, but put food down and they will pour out from little holes everywhere. Except for the one little rooster that claimed a large sized dogloo dog house as his territory - he sits in there smug as can be and keeps everyone else out!
It's a grainy shot, but there are 4 of them hiding in here!

This one is convinced that the little clump of hay that is barely covering it has made it completely invisible!
Will cots or any species of quail use water nipples that are made for chickens? I was wanting do a watering system similar to ones posted on the this site with a bucket pvc and watering nipples.

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