Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

So my little Goldie is on a 23 hour egg laying cycle. The first day she laid in my hand was about 4 well 3:50 to be exact. Yesterday I was gone but when I returned about 4 there was an egg that looked a lot like hers in one of her fav laying spots. So today I sat with her in the pen and she laid her egg at 1:50. I now know what her egg look like and can watch for her to lay by the time schedule.
The bad day was today.... I processed my 12 from the breeding pen, some my nephew did because of my personal attachment, ugh. Stupid of me to have become so attached to them, a few of the hens were here almost 3 years.Way too long, and need to be better about rotation. Life events pushed me out to far on processing schedules.
Awaiting word from JMF when eggs will ship. I did not keep any eggs, have not set any either.. ready for a better quality flock that's all the same type. Predictable, wild phase and my adult daughters won't pick pets and beg me to keep them.
If you hatch your own, and interact with the cots, you will wind up with friendly quail. They tame very easily, especially once they figure out that you are the one that brings the food!

I totally agree with this. My birds are all so tame, bc I pet them every day,and talk to them. If one occasionally falls out of the pen when I have the door open, it will stand still for me to pick it up. I do have 1 white male, my senior male, who likes to peck me, but I play a little game with him, and then he will back off. Not that his pecking me hurts-it doesn't. It's more making him understand I'm the alpha:)He always shows off his male prowess when I'm around, the little stinker.
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When I first started incubating and hatching my own from a single pair I got a dribbling of babies, usually not more than 2 at a time. Hardy, one of the few survivors, is very friendly toward me. I hand raised him because he and his sib were all alone. Then the sib died and it was just he and I. Now when I go into the quail pen and sit he always comes over and either pecks at my shoe until I pick him up or talk to him, a little song I sing then he jumps and stretches and flaps his wings in acknowledgement of the attention Im giving him.
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When I first started incubating and hatching my own from a single pair I got a dribbling of babies, usually not more than 2 at a time.  Hardy, one of the few survivors, is very friendly toward me.  I hand raised him because he and his sib were all alone.  Then the sib died and it was just he and I.  Now when I got into the quail pen and sit he always comes over and either pecks at my shoe until I pick him up or talk to him, a little song I sing then he jumps and stretches and flapps his wings in acknowledgement of the attention Im giving him.
Aww, that is so sweet:)
My white coturnix appears to be going broody.She sits on her 2 eggs all day only coming of the eat and drink,just like a broody hen.
Wow that is great. Please let us know if she continues on and how well she does taking care of the babies. Someone wrote that one of her quail incubated eggs to hatching and it was not even realized until the dead babies were discovered. Evidently the male(s) had killed the babies so take care with her and her babies.
I noticed one of my quail, my golden who I have been keeping a close eye on, was tucking some eggs under her one day. She might still have some of that broodiness instinct left in her.
Help!!! this is my first post. Have 11 quail about 6.5 weeks old. They started breeding around 8 days ago and 3 laid eggs yesterday morning. As of 10 minutes ago 1 little hen has been sitting on the eggs for 11 hrs (possibly longer) she's in the house pen--floor is sifted soil with wood ash mixed in under 1.5 inches of home grown dry grain, which i normally change (grain) every 3 days. Since they hardly ever sit, what do i do? Is what she is sitting on okay? I'm so excited i can barely stand it. Luxily they spent the first 5 weeks in my room & i handled them 3-4 times a day so they run to me and they don't startle. Please any advice would be great

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