Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

They prob wouldn't survive in the wild and are not native to here. We have enough problems with imported animals already. Just look at fla.
I had this dilemma!

I won't kill an animal I've raised. Just can't. Maybe if I had been raised on a farm I'd be tougher, who knows? But once something has a name and looks at me like I'm mama I just can't.

The good news is that I have a large greenhouse and garden area, and I don't use chemicals. The 'extra' Roos are fantastic bug eaters so instead of freezer camp, I have greenhouse camp. It's not for everyone, but it works for us.
I sort of tried that. When I opened the door to the aviary one day a few of them jumped out. I thought, just let them see if they like being outside for a day. A few wanted back in the aviary immediately but some sort of scattered the yard. By evening the still free ones were in the park behind my house. I just couldnt leave them out there crowing so I rounded them up. About a week later some of my neighbors came by with another one in a carrier. They told me it had been roaming the street in front of their house so they caught it and brought it back. They really have it way too good living with me. I spoil them.
Oops! I should have clarified, we don't let ours out without supervision. We built two really nice coops and we hand raised them so when we open a coop door they come over to see whats going on. If we have the coop near the greenhouse they go right for it, they love it in there. The only near disaster was Bob playing in the potatoes one day and getting startled. Straight up, over the fence and into the street! Needless to say I was around the yard and through the gate in seconds. Finally tackled the little booger in desperation when a car was coming. Looked up to find my new neighbor walking his dog! Kind of amazed he didn't move out immediately!

The moral of the story is don't let your coworker name your quail Bob......
Quail calls from a 4 day old! So amazing how fast they grow! 17hatched out 2 have passed. Still have 3 days untill the hatch ends. Mmmmm quail nuggets.
What is an Italian Cortunix quail? I'm on the 18th day with 36 eggs I got from online breeders, but I hear no sound and there is not a pip in any of the eggs. I tried to candle the eggs after the first week but couldn't see anything except from a dark area that I assumed was the yolk. Does this mean that none of them were fertile? I turned them 4 times a day religiously and had two thermometer/hygrometers in case one of them failed, and a tiny fan to circulate the warm air. Temps ranged from 95-102 F but most of the time around 99-100 F, I started with 55 humidity and bumped it up to 70-75 on day 14. Stopped turned on the eve of the 14th day. Our outdoor temperatures can fluctuate by 30 degrees, common for it to be in the 80's (F) in the afternoon and the 50's at night and humid. The eggs are kept in a 70 degree room that is bone dry, no plants, leaky pipes or kitchen steam to worry about. Could that be the problem? When should I give up and throw them all away?

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