Coturnix Quail Hatching in Little Giant!!! Updated Pics!

Oh man, we got quail from Sam earlier this summer. The eggs are a
delicacy. I haven't eaten any but people are driving me crazy for them.
Quail meat is the best bird I have tasted. They are simple to process
and weigh around 5oz dressed. The breasts are pure meat.

Plus they are just fun, spazzy little things. The males make a super cool
call and quail are much easier to take care of then chicken.

Another thing I've heard is the feed to egg ratio for quail is better than

I need to send you some eggs when your bator is empty again.

Just based on your ravings I would try some. I have a bator sitting here all alone and empty right now (My other eggs are in a borrowed Sportsman and I have a Hovabator just waiting to be filled). Let me know- I would like to try some if they are as good eating as everyone says. I should even have some room for some soon.
If I get a decent hatch we'll eat the extra males. I'm curious to see what they taste like, though the last thing I need is more meat in my freezer, between the 1/4 cow, many chickens and soon to be a deer in there, we're pretty well set, but I wouldn't be against eating some of my own now and then, if they are as easy to process as everyone says.

I wonder if I could find a market to seel my quail eggs for eating around here....
Up to #10 with 2 goldens

They are cheepers. They won't shut up. I'll get pics in the morning.
woohoo! i cant wait until mine start to lay.. they are almost 5 and a half weeks old! but it turns out i have about the same number of males that i do females.. i dont want to cull them but i heard that you cant add quail from a diffrent clutch or they fight.. so i dont know what to do.. i am thinking that i will just hatch some o my eggs and then thro them in .. idk.. ill figure it out eventuallly.. ugh
I have currently have two Coturnix and two bobwhites in the brooder, and another three eggs have been pipped a while. Funny how everyone says they hatch in groups, all four of mine hatched *at least* an hour from the others. My MIL is here for a few days and just loves checking on the hatch every fifteen minutes. lol
Better than any bird I have ever had. It's sorta a cross between white
and dark but has no gamey taste at all. 3 Coturnix would make a good
serving for a normal person.

We are up to 40 chicks so far and have at least 50 more of our eggs
waiting and 100 coming from Catcobb.

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