coughing chicken


Opa-wan Chickenobi
12 Years
May 11, 2008
Howell Michigan
Tonight while out in the coop, conducting bed check; I heard a strange coughing sound. Investigation revealed one of my marans was mouth breathing and would occassionly cough. Her eyes are clear, there is no nasal discharge, her comb is bright red. Not sure what was going on. I didn't want to leave her in with the rest of the flock. Then as I was carrying her into the house, I could hear her rather wheezing breathing sound. So now she is in a cage in the family room. Anyone have any suggestions.
Your and your chick are not alone. I have been reading several posts with the same symptoms over the past few days and I have one in my chick ICU right now. I've got her on gallimycin, because I had it on hand but I'm thinking it is gape worm instead. I started her on the wormer this AM and she seems to have at least had some quiet moments throughout the day. I'm also keeping her on the antibiotic just in case. There is no mucous, just this funny cough sound. She also had stopped eating when my husband noticed her 2 days ago and just this Am stared having some poo output. She still has spells of coughing that are so violent that she literally slides backwards in the cage! She really picked up on her appetite this evening also. So I'm treating her and watching and praying she pulls through this. I'm now using SafeGuard horse wormer for the possible gape worms.
Now that I have her where I can observe her better I'm even more concerned. She is sitting very upright on roost with neck extended and her breathing seems very labored. She opens her mouth with each inhalation. I did find something coming from one nostril but before I could examine it better she moved and I lost it. Her droppings are very runny yellowish in color with a few dark green flecks. In the morning I'm going to go to the feed store and look at the antibotics.
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opa, there are so many respiratory infections/problems chickens can get, I would not know which one it might be! I personally am partial to using Oxine (chlorine hydroxide) as a mister to help with these things; if you are inclined, you might read up on it in K.J. Theodore's Shagbark Bantams website. It is very safe, and kills 100% of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa it has been tested on. The World Health Organization even uses it to clean water supplies (as it did in the Katrina aftermath).

I bought my Oxine at First State Vet Supply, and I keep it on hand. I mist the coop lightly according to Ms. Theodore's directions 2x/day when I hear coughing/wheezing.

Feel free to PM me if you need more info. As you are working against the clock, though, you may wish to continue investigating antobiotics.

Good luck! Please keep us posted.
Well she's no longer coughing. I made a 60 mile round trip to get medication for her. Gave her the meds and she died soon after. I did an autopsy for sorts on her and nothing looked bad. Lungs and liver looked okay. I am keeping a real close eye on the rest of the flock.
Yesterday another hen started showing the same symptoms as the one that I lost. The same lethargic posture, sitting with neck outstretched, head bobbing, open mouthed gasping breathing. I immediately removed her from the other and initiated an extreme effort to save this one. I injected her with .5cc of penicillin G and every two hours until 11 last night I drizzled 6cc of Poultry Nutri-Drench into her mouth. This morning she's walking around in the cage. I gave another .5cc of penicillin G and more Nutri-Drench. She is no longer exhibiting the extended neck posture and her breathing is less labored. While placing the water in her beak some was dropped on to her feathers. When I placed her back in the cage she immediately started preening. She still is a sick bird but I am more optomistic about her chances of survial.
She's now eating and drinking on her own. So it is looking better. Das Huhn ist immer besser.
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