Could a Hawk Carry off HUGE Rooster??????? ROO VANISHED

I've also heard of Bigfoot and U.F.O.s, but until I see it with my own eyes, I'm not buying it.

This is without a doubt an absolute fact. I have unfortunately, seen it with my own eyes. If anyone leaves a small dog out unattended the risk you take may cost you your lap dog. They will sometimes even attempt to get at the dog with you present. Just so you know...
I have heard of hawks and eagles taking small dogs too. My MIL was on a trip and they had to take a ferry ride (i forgot where she went) Another lady on the ferry had a small lhasa apso on a leash, the eagle swooped up that dog and took off with it leash and all.
I've seen a Eagle carry off a Pomeranian but that was at the beach.

We don't have hawks big enough to carry off a full grown chicken, maybe a small Banty. The biggest hawk we have is a Red Tailed.
Eagles don't hang around this neck of the woods, too treed, they like it closer to the ocean.
I am pretty sure it was a Wolf or Cougar that carried his chickens off. We have allot of Cougars and some pretty big Wolves were I live.
everybodies got a story, heres mine, lol a hawk did pick up my first sexlink. got about 4 foot had to bring it doown. i witnessed it, one of thems dead, on leagal note its illegal to kill a bird of prey, so i can say is, havn't ssen a hawk in a while.
i love my birds, there my babies. though hawks are pretty
We've lost 3 in the last week
to what we believe are coyotes at mid day. No trace on the first two who went missing on the same day last week. Today I found feathers from one of my beautiful Marans hens up in the pasture. Waiting now for the county trapper to call back. We chose large breeds because of hawks (or locals are pretty small) and I sure didn't think we'd see that much coyote activity in the daytime!!

YIKES!! I am so worried for my remaining hens. We have no run as they have always safely free ranged on our 10 acres. The dog has invisible fence, so he can't help although he'd be no match for a pack of yotes anyways. The girls are locked up in the coop de ville at night, so we don't worry about them then. BTW - I read somewhere that human urine can scare predators off, so my boys had a field day in our wooded area where the feathers were found. Pretty funny to watch, in spite of the circumstances.

So sorry about your Roo
We were watching the local Eagle Cam and low and behold one of the Eagles flew up with a big dead red Rooster .
Took about a day for the two Eagle parents and chicks to consume.
Not sure how I would feel to see my Rooster being Eagle food
It could be a fox or a coyote. Fences aren'r much of a deterrent for them and they do hunt in the day. I have seen them. DH shot a big healthy coyote in the middle of the afternoon once in our back yard. It was eyeing my little dog.
We had a hawk/hen squareoff the other day. It was the first time we'd seen a hawk come close. She had her eye on Keesha's (cuckoo marans) 2.5 week old babies and Keesh wasted no time getting between the that hawk (big red tail) and the babies once the hawk was on the ground. Pretty scary to watch
but amazing to see a mother hen's instinct. Thanks to Keesha's posturing, the hawk backed down with no damage to anyone. According to the county trapper (who was out helping with the coyote issue *caught two just over the hill btw*), most hawks won't risk getting in a scuffle in order to insure they are healthy enough to hunt another day. I guess most of our local hawks just aren't big enough to attempt to carry off our larger breed adult birds, and an eagle is a pretty rare sight around here. We haven't seen it back since, but we're keeping a close eye out.

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