Could a white silkie hen and blue cochin rooster produce this?

Me too, Cellomama2! I was actually a bio major and have had lots of formal genetics instruction in my days. It was so long ago that I'm a bit rusty though. :p It's fascinating and I love sleuthing it out. It's been driving me absolutely bonkers to figure out what this bird was. The only thing I knew for certain is it wasn't a barred rock, which was what the egg was sold as. lol

At first, I was bummed to find out it wasn't a barred rock, but now I'm happy to have something different. It's such a pretty bird with what I consider the best traits from both breeds. The black feet/skin/beak/comb along with the smooth feathers, feathered-feet and fluffy head. I'm not a fan of the silkie feathers.
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Yeah we've only had chickens for 18 months now but I do like the different ones too. My favorite mixes in my flock are my faverolle mixes but I have no clue what they are mixed with.

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