Could my hens turn into roosters???


Oct 29, 2020
Hi chicken friends,

I have had backyard chickens for almost 3 years now. They are all free range and so happy! We started with a small flock of 6 blue silkie hens & one female white pekin duck. The duck has always looked after our flock and been more dominant. They are all super friendly and excellent with my two year old son. We have not ran into many issues with our flock (other than some predators) until this spring when we added to our flock. In April we added 8 new chicks, 3 buff silkies, 3 splash silkies, an easter egger and a barred rock. Everything was going great until one morning one of our splash silkies started crowing and trying to mate. we started bringing the rooster in at night due to the noise & where we live, to be kind to our neighbors. When we took that one out, another starting crowing & grew to look like a rooster. We did the same, brought it in at night with the other. Then another one came out as a rooster. We ended up bringing all 3 roosters to our friends farm. It made me so sad because they were so friendly, but where we live we are not allowed roosters. About a week afterwards another hen started crowing and showing rooster like features. This was actually the runt of the flock, so i figured maybe we could keep him since hes smaller and a bit quieter than the others. We leave him out at night, but sometimes bring him in during the morning if hes crowing a lot. This morning I noticed that another one of my silkie hens is starting to look a little roostery & started pecking at my easter egger hen. I am just so confused! we love our chickens so much & don't want to have to give up any others. But, it is starting to get a little stressful. We also haven't gotten any eggs. Any guidance would be helpful! :)

Thank you,
Silkies will start laying as early as 5 months, average though 7-9 months and can go over a year before they will lay an egg. Agree photos will help. Post full body side view (like my avatar) as well as close up profile of the head and head on (front view) showing any comb or wattle development if possible.:)

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