Could this be an Exchequer Leghorn?

She has ancona legs, but I don't know what exchequer leghorn legs look like. Most leghorns have yellow, but I don't know about those.

So based on legs, I'm guessing ancona.
Exchequer leghorns should have yellow legs, as is the same with all leghorns, but it is rare that you will actually find an exchequer with yellow legs...most will have pink or white. That bird looks like a leghorn and her comb should be flopping over soon.

here's my mottled ancona from ideal hatchery
This is from Palm Beach County Poultry Fanciers Association's Ancona page

"The Ancona is derrived from the Leghorn Breed and is sometimes referred to as the 'Mottled Leghorn'."

After looking more into Anconas, I think that is what she is. She fits the description (size, laying ability, color, comb size). I don't believe she is going to be great layer. I've seen reports of 160-180 eggs for Anconas.

On Cackle's website, they list Araucanas and use Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers on the birds interchangeably. Clearly the birds are Easter Eggers since they are tailed and they breed for many colors.

So with all that in mind, I believe she is Ancona but promoted as Exchequer Leghorn.

She's a sweet bird. I'm happy and she doesn't have to be great at laying. When she was younger and in my layer pen, she used to coming running to me and start hopping up in the air repeatedly. She would follow me to the door and be right there when I opened the door. So she has a lot of personality.
Her pattern is incorrect for a ancona and is more characteristic of an exchequer leghorn.

Here's an exchequer leghorn

Here's your bird

Here's an adult ancona

The difference in the pattern is apparent and as your bird matures, she will get more white with each molt. Instead of having crisp v-shaped spangles like an ancona, your bird has white in the form of large blobs. Since she is still young and not yet fully mature, her comb is much smaller now than it will be.
I agree the pattern is not good, but my *ancona* that came from a breeder look exactly like that......
I am thinking the breeder(which I got my birds) had hatchery stock....

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