Could this be wry neck?


6 Years
Sep 26, 2013
About a month ago, my 11 week old silkie started shaking and weaving its head every so often. Not constantly, but there were seven episodes in a ten minute period yesterday. When this is not happening, it happily goes about its chicken life, eating, drinking and foraging. I would like to treat it for wry neck if that is the issue, and would love some feedback. The behavior is at the start of the video clip, the rest of the video is to show that it is mostly normal the rest of the time.

Yes that looks like something neurological going on, such as wry neck. But make sure the crop is not impacted, just in case. Get some Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell vitamin tonic, and give 1 ml orally or in a treat, daily. Vitamin E and selenium are the treatment. If your vitamins don't contain selenium, then give some bits of egg or tuna daily.

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