countdown sheet

the Pollo Loco

10 Years
May 27, 2009
Santa Cruz,CA
does any one have a printed out form they use to count down the days till hatch date, and time you rotate eggs or do you just scribble it down on a paper?
please share any ideas or forms you may have. -thanks
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I usually just mark on my calendar "Day 1" then count to day 18 and write in "move to hatcher" I use an egg turner but if you don't have one try to set specific times of the day to turn them. For example if you work, turn in the morning before you leave, then again when you get home and a last time before you go to bed. I fyou don't work, pick hours that space out the turning to be somewhat equal throught the day so maybe 8am 12noon 4pm and 8 pm
I use a form that I made myself, where I check and record temp twice a day. I made it specifically for my Brinsea 20 so it's got a column for crossing off when I've topped up water (every 2-3 days) as well as estimate for when to candle the eggs. And a reminder of when to stop the cradle (lock down). I even have a small form for noting fertility and mortality in the eggs when candling... I know I'm a bit OCD

If I found out how to upload an excel form onto here you could see what it's like

I change days and dates in excel, then print it out and put it on the wall next to the bator. I find it helpful, and if you keep them it's easy to compare hacthings from year to year. Although I end up scrabbling things on it as well, like date and time of the first peep or crack in an egg
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