Couple beginners questions

As for "toys", they like their food, grit and treats in a little box to do their natural scratching behavior, and they looooove dust baths more than anything I've seen... It's quite a commotion :D

That is a wooden fruit box from nectarines at the grocery store lined with newspaper and under the "balcony" is a cardboard Pepsi bottom with sand to bathe in :p

They also love making nests/digging/finding bits of clover etc. in the hay and it's incredibly cheap - five bucks a bale would last this cage being cleaned weekly for probably close to a year, it's sooo compacted :)
Thank you! Mine are 3 weeks old now and I', slowly learning how to "listen" to their needs, likes and dislikes. They surely love dust baths, some nights they even sleep in the dust pan all bunched up together. They also love pecking at the seed heads from the garden plants, and spend a lot of time in my homemade improvised hiding place out of a carton box filled with wood shavings. You are so right about the food - they are a bit nuts about it. I checked on them last night around 11 PM and they were around the feeder having a midnight snack!

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