Couple of questions...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Fellsmere, FL
OK first off, can I say again how much I LOVE this site???

That said, my husband who doesn't know any more about chicks than I do (but we're learning quickly) seems to think that this chick is a Roo.
We released them into their half completed coop for some exercise and he/she was very hmmm....alpha with the others. You can't see it in the pic, but usually her/his tail feathers stick up much more. I think it's just a big hen, but what do I know? Also, this an EE right?



Another question: The coop should be finished in another week or so. is it getting too crowded in here? I could set up another box if need be. There are 20 of them total.


They have been such a joy and are getting bigger and stronger everyday.

Thanks again for all your great advice!
OK first off, can I say again how much I LOVE this site???

Yes, you may.

Too early to tell. Those are some pretty big legs. Could be a roo.​
I think it's a roo.
You are in Florida right? Do you have time to take them outside every (warm/non-rainy) day for awhile to ease their overcrowding until they can go to the coop?
Yes, we should be able to take them out to their coop almost every day for a little while. It's not completely closed in yet so I don't want to leave them unattended at all.

What about making another box and pulling some out? Or will separating them and then putting them back together again (once the coop is completed) be too stressful to the pecking order?
My own feeling is that I don't like to do anything to upset the creation of the pecking order, but I know others do seperate when they feel it's necessary.
I would be worried about a pecking problem developing as they get overcrowded. Could you add another box?

Beautiful bird!
Enjoy them, and take plenty of chick pics! They grow up QUICKLY.
I agree w/gritsar on separating them.

Yep, you have a pretty little EE there. How old is it? It looks more girly to me, but it is certainly too soon to tell. Does it stand very upright often? If so, I'd say probably roo.

I don't think another week would be too awfully bad where they are...I try to determine what to do based on how they're getting along. If you're not seeing any squabbling going on, they're probably okay. Good luck!
I agree with the other posts. I would try to keep them together. Do you have any wire where you could make them a mini run? Too early to tell if you have a Roo. The saddle feathers on a Roo are longer and more pointed. The pullets are shorter and more rounded. If that helps any. If you think it's a Roo then it probably is. By the way, where is Fellsmere, FL? I live near Ocala.
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There is no real fighting yet that I have noticed. They seemed to square off more last night when I let them into their coop and they had MORE room. But I think it was more
"We're free!" they didn't actually peck at each other just fly back and forth and kinda "posture" at each other. Hubby and I were speaking for them whenever they squared off and saying things like, "Bring it!!" "Oh, it has been brought!!!"

But they never actually pecked at each or anything. In the brooder they mostly just jump over each other, no meanness that I can see.

And yes, the EE chick does stand up rather straight most of the time. He looks kinda hunched in the pic because I think he was mad I took him away from the others.

CMom: Fellsmere is on the east coast between Vero Beach and Melbourne. I love Ocala! I've camped there several times in the area with my friends and our horses. I would so live up there if i could, but both of our jobs keep us here. Not that I don't love it, but I betcha I would love Ocala even more.
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