I'm going to be building the run next weekend and will be using 2x4-60" tall no climb wire that I will have left over from a fence job I'm doing for the sides. The run is in the corner of the yard under a tree, but we have neighborhood cats and hwks during the day. At night we do get possums on occasion, but that's pretty much it. Never seen racoons around here and it's too urban for foxes, and cayotes. They will be locked in the coop at night so really the run cover will be to keep cats and aerial predtors out during the day.
So, what should I use for the roof? I know everyone pretty much hates chicken wire, but will it be fine for our daytime threats? Again, not so worried about nightime as they will be locked up. I was originally thinking of maybe just bird netting as it would dissapear more and look a little nicer, but think that would be too light. Lets hear your thought.
Oh, and an earlier shot of the area.
So, what should I use for the roof? I know everyone pretty much hates chicken wire, but will it be fine for our daytime threats? Again, not so worried about nightime as they will be locked up. I was originally thinking of maybe just bird netting as it would dissapear more and look a little nicer, but think that would be too light. Lets hear your thought.
Oh, and an earlier shot of the area.