cow's milk

As a matter of fact, humans are the only animal that continues to voluntarily drink milk, on a regular basis, after weaning!

this is so wrong. Go to any dairy farm and watch the animals line up for milk. It is most definetly voluntary. Don't want to drink milk or have allergy to milk, don't drink it.

Milk from store tastes different than raw milk, there are a lot reasons. Milk flavor will be greatly affected as well by what the animal eats. To me, goat milk does have an after taste that takes getting use to.
As a matter of fact, humans are the only animal that continues to voluntarily drink milk, on a regular basis, after weaning!

I agree about this being wrong. Ever watch cats begging for milk? How about the bull getting down on his front knees to nurse? I've even seen down cows milk themselves. How about the pigs that are feed milk or whey? Or the dog that comes in to clean the dish out after the cats are done?
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All that milk was "offered" or received, upon in an opportunity. In their natural setting, cows are herbivores after weaning, as dogs and cats are carnivores. I wasn't saying that, if given the opportunity, they wouldn't drink milk. They will drink beer too if its available..does this mean they will actively seek it out as a dietary supplement?
Dogs and cats will drink antifreeze, does this mean they regularly look for this to add to their diets? Animals are largely opportunistic eaters but they normally don't nurse on their mothers after weaning, in a natural setting. Cows that are nursed upon by older calves can sustain damage to their teats. In the wild, this cow would not be able to sustain a new calf in this scenario and the calf would die. I would say that wild herbivores will not allow this to happen. Domestication changes a few things but not much.

Fact remains, we do not need milk to remain healthy. Neither do adult animals.
Beekissed, I understand your point but it's not like a cat has the ablility to get milk by themselves. So I don't think you can really compare that to humans who do have that ability. We don't continue to nurse off our mothers after weaning either... we take the opportunity we are given to obtain it from other animals and have since humans learned to domesticate animals and obtain that milk. Not saying we can't do without it, lots of people do, but I don't think it's the same as a cat not obtaining milk on its own.
No need to get all defensive and snitzy about it, folks! Noone was telling you to stop drinking was just another option to the high price of milk everyone was complaining about.

Hey, spend all the money you want on chemical-laden commercially raised milk all you want, knock yourselves out! I could care less....just offering an alternative to buying a cow to escape the high cost of dairy. Gee whiz! You folks will jump on any excuse to get rowdy on someone!
if the milk has a weird taste there is something seriously wrong at the dairy you worked for.

I think organic whole milk would taste funny to someone used to what they sell in the store! What is sold in the stores taste nothing at all like the whole, raw milk I was raised on. So bland and bought...bah! Nothing in the world like whole, raw, creamy milk on blackberry cobbler! MMMMmmmmmmmmmm!

I agree! That is why we have our own cows and goats. I can't drink pasteurized milk without getting violently ill. Yet I can drink all the raw I want. Nothing compares with cheese made from good farm milk either.
Hey, spend all the money you want on chemical-laden commercially raised milk all you want, knock yourselves out! I could care less....just offering an alternative to buying a cow to escape the high cost of dairy.

What chemical laden milk?

High cost of dairy? Ever put a number on the milk someone would produce at their own place? Milk is expensive to produce and VERY labor intensive. No, I'm not in the dairy business, I'm not that CRAZY.........too much work for me.

Altho I do agree that people don't need dairy products to survive.

Milk has very little flavor, it's the cream that has the flavor or the additives from whatever grasses/weeds the cow has eaten. One of the reasons the very large dairies milk has little flavor is that they feed a controlled diet that avoids any strong flavors.
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Here's another option....stop using dairy products all together! We had to stop using them when my youngest was around 3 years old, as all the problems with allergies and upper respiratory illnesses he had had were caused by dairy.

So, the whole house stopped eating dairy because he couldn't. Its been great!

Nothing in the world like whole, raw, creamy milk on blackberry cobbler! MMMMmmmmmmmmmm!

So which is it? you stopped using dairy or you do use dairy?
I purchased a nanny in milk and 2 yound doelings recently. I had never had goat milk let alone raw milk. I did buy a pasturizer but have yet to use it. I like it straight from the goat into the frig to get chilled and YUMMY. I do not drink a lot of milk, had my 2 year off of formula by 8 months and milk by 14 months (allergies) he would get a snotty nose and congestion. He has no trouble with the goat milk so far. I think the taste is better then store bought does not have the hard Tang the store bought whole milk has.
We drink milk-lots of it! But, as a dairy farm we have a lot of milk available. I agree that store milk tastes different. When my DD's were under 2 years I bought milk for them per doctors directions (under 2 yrs. they shouldn't have raw milk). I always bought their milk from a farm on the edge of town that pasturized and sold to the public. It tasted much more like our own milk.

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