Coyote trapping


Duck Diva

5 Years
Jan 30, 2019
Does anyone have any experience dealing with coyotes in suburban areas? Something attacked my ducks Saturday night. I awoke to loud, frantic quacking and went outside to find one duck seriously maimed (I thought was dying) and another missing. Please don’t scold me, but I forgot to put them to bed the night before.

We’ve been keeping our injured duck inside while she heals, and we moved their coop closer to the house for our drake who escaped the previous attack. Last night we could not get him into the coop. I don’t know if he was upset about his missing girls or the new coop location, but this morning he was gone too. I put out food for him and it was still untouched when I came home from work . He is gone without a trace, which has never happened before.

Something had stolen eggs out of the coop at night in the past and eaten them in the yard, but I had assumed it was raccoons. Would a fox be able to take out one duck and almost kill another in the same night? Is it more likely a pack hunter like coyotes? I’m really upset and want to trap and “relocate” the offending predator(s). What has worked for others with fox and/or coyote problems?
Does anyone have any experience dealing with coyotes in suburban areas? Something attacked my ducks Saturday night. I awoke to loud, frantic quacking and went outside to find one duck seriously maimed (I thought was dying) and another missing. Please don’t scold me, but I forgot to put them to bed the night before.

We’ve been keeping our injured duck inside while she heals, and we moved their coop closer to the house for our drake who escaped the previous attack. Last night we could not get him into the coop. I don’t know if he was upset about his missing girls or the new coop location, but this morning he was gone too. I put out food for him and it was still untouched when I came home from work . He is gone without a trace, which has never happened before.

Something had stolen eggs out of the coop at night in the past and eaten them in the yard, but I had assumed it was raccoons. Would a fox be able to take out one duck and almost kill another in the same night? Is it more likely a pack hunter like coyotes? I’m really upset and want to trap and “relocate” the offending predator(s). What has worked for others with fox and/or coyote problems?
can’t help you but I wanted to extend my heartfelt sympathy. I.would be devastated by this.
Does anyone have any experience dealing with coyotes in suburban areas? Something attacked my ducks Saturday night. I awoke to loud, frantic quacking and went outside to find one duck seriously maimed (I thought was dying) and another missing. Please don’t scold me, but I forgot to put them to bed the night before.

We’ve been keeping our injured duck inside while she heals, and we moved their coop closer to the house for our drake who escaped the previous attack. Last night we could not get him into the coop. I don’t know if he was upset about his missing girls or the new coop location, but this morning he was gone too. I put out food for him and it was still untouched when I came home from work . He is gone without a trace, which has never happened before.

Something had stolen eggs out of the coop at night in the past and eaten them in the yard, but I had assumed it was raccoons. Would a fox be able to take out one duck and almost kill another in the same night? Is it more likely a pack hunter like coyotes? I’m really upset and want to trap and “relocate” the offending predator(s). What has worked for others with fox and/or coyote problems?
It could be a fix also. Both are hard to trap. It would take an array of foot hold traps on a drag in my experience to trap them. Scents would help.

If you have never trapped I suggest you contact someone that has. Getting a fox or coyote into a live trap is even harder.

I have no idea what your laws are. Here we could trap them. However, your chances of catching a cat or dog is better than either a fox or coyote. I find a rifle works best, but I am not in an urban area.

Good luck.
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I just reread your post...

They make a trap just for raccoons and possums, it takes an animal that is able to reach into the trap and “pull” the trigger release. These are the only two predators we have that can do this..

Just use peanut butter around and in the trap and some small marshmellows. These traps will not catch cats or dogs. They are around 20 bucks each.. the egg steal points to a raccoon I think..


  • 31706F42-890C-4F60-B5A3-94B98F854C10.png
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I just reread your post...

They make a trap just for raccoons and possums, it takes an animal that is able to reach into the trap and “pull” the trigger release. These are the only two predators we have that can do this..

Just use peanut butter around and in the trap and some small marshmellows. These traps will not catch cats or dogs. They are around 20 bucks each.. the egg steal points to a raccoon I think..View attachment 1708651

A duke trap or dog proof trap.

I forgot my pictures the first time.
What do you do if you catch a raccoon or possum in a trap like that? I don’t want to get too close to the animal without some metal bars separating it from me. I don’t think I could kill it.
I live in PA and its legal to shoot coyotes any day where I live. They are considered a nuisance here and get to the size of a small GSD. They are very difficult to trap, but I have heard of people having luck using fried chicken. I have never seen coyotes hunt in packs they keep more to themselves.

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