
I'd agree that shooting it would be the quickest remedy, but I'd suggest a bigger caliber rifle. Having lived through my own dog being shot with a 22, I know the non-lethal damage that can be done with one of them if the shot isn't right on the mark. I've got no problem shooting a nuisance preditor, but still want to be as humane as possible about it.

Good luck!
Trap and relocate. Please don't. the yote will try and get back to it's home range. The yote's where you relocate it will just drive it off and kill it. It is much more humane to dispatch a nuisance yote than relocate it.
They tried that with deer here in a suburban St Louis a few years back, 50% died of stress, some where killed on the road trying to find their home range. Only 10% were still living 6 months later, they placed tracking collars on them to track the success.
It's illegal in most states to relocate wild animals. It promotes the spread of disease, and it dumps a predator in a another predator's territory. An animal dumped in unfamiliar territory will very likely be killed or starved competing with the ones already there. Also, you may just be making it someone else's problem. Relocation is usually not a good thing. It might make the person feel better because they didn't have to watch the animal die, but in the long run it can cause a lot more suffering. Nature can be cruel, and dumping an animal outside of it's territory is not good.
If there's one there are probably more...have you thought about getting an LGD? I have a great pyranese/anatolian cross in with my nigi goats specifically because of the coyote and wild dog problem in our area.

He isn't even a year old yet and he's already over 60 lbs and sounds even bigger when he barks. He's very protective of 'his' goats and I think his barking and whatnot have helped to keep predators away from the rest of our pets as well.
I agree that this the best and fastest way, download and record a rabbit in distress, plan your strategy, place the sound , hide in range, and shoot straight. problem solved.


Trap and relocate is a bunch of hooooey, the object is get rid of the preditor not find it a safe home and make it another persons problem.

If you are killing squirles with a .22 on a regular are more than prepared for coyote especially at close range...think intercranal lead injection...point and click at the earhole! I usually would recommend more gun as well...mainly cuz i always recommend an excuse to get another gun!...but sounds like you have the real important factor when it comes to shooting...hitting what you aim at! For a long time the largest grizzle bear killed on record was taken by a .22...Indian girl...shot it in the mouth when it growled!
At least you dont to get a dog just get it rabies shots and call it your dog ok they have scents that anamles dont like try one of them like wolf pee
If you can hit it in the head it you will have a good coyote

A hit mid way up the chest just behind the front leg with a high velocity hollow point will kill a coyote out to 75 yards It may not drop in its tracks. but to be sure if you put a 22 though both lungs he will die quick, and you should have no trouble following the blood trail to where he expires which should be less than 100 yards from where it was hit.
relocating a nuisance animal is illegal in most states

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