Coyotes now know.. that I own birds.

You better kill it first time you see it again, then you have the rest to contend with (there could be many) for a while. Look at my pics, theres nothing I hate more than a yote. As for your little dog, I would treat him the same as a free range flock after you know a predator is around. Dont let him out unless your out with him. Yotes are very smart critters, once you know thier around they will always bee around until they deplete the food scource. I recomend keeping some sort of firearm you are proficiant using close by, if you hear the flock alarming quietly slip out of the house and do what you need to. The ones I encounter around my neck of the woods have recogized the sound of the front door and even the sound of a safety on a firearm being taken off.
ive had a guinea square off with a coyote in my backyard, so my dad snuck around the house and fixed him with the 12 gauge

i couldnt beleive that first of all the coyote was around ten feet from our house, and that a lone male guinea would take him on.
Dont think for a minute that just because you have a dog, even a labrador retriever size, that a coyote wont take them on. Two years ago, I had two coyotes at the backyard fence trying to entice my male lab over the fence. They were all playful looking. They will try to entice the dog away and the hidden pack will pounce on them. When this happened, I kept a 12 gauge loaded with buckshot on top of the freezer next to the back door. My wife knocked it off the freezer when she was cleaning and "put it away". I could of killed both those coyotes with a single shot. All I could do was entertain them by standing on the deck yelling at them in my underwear. Family squabble at 3am! Wheres my gun woman!
Dont think for a minute that just because you have a dog, even a labrador retriever size, that a coyote wont take them on. Two years ago, I had two coyotes at the backyard fence trying to entice my male lab over the fence. They were all playful looking. They will try to entice the dog away and the hidden pack will pounce on them. When this happened, I kept a 12 gauge loaded with buckshot on top of the freezer next to the back door. My wife knocked it off the freezer when she was cleaning and "put it away". I could of killed both those coyotes with a single shot. All I could do was entertain them by standing on the deck yelling at them in my underwear. Family squabble at 3am! Wheres my gun woman!
haha this made my day! And i have a very large great dane, and they dont dare take him on ;)
dirtydozen this is surely a fact. The pack will sometimes even try to send in a ***** in heat to lure a male away. This happened to a friend of ours who watched it as it was happening from a distance away with the time he could ride his horse the distance it was over. We had such a Coyote problem around here for a while and now nothing. The local trappers feel that Parvo or Distemper has gone through the area as the Bob Cats are also rare to missing suddenly.

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