Cozy coop and run


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Here is a picture of our cozy little coop and run. The chickens seem pretty happy and after about a week in their house we are going to try to free range them a little bit each day. We can't wait!


We live in the city and notice we have a privacy fence - unfortunately, we see possums and raccoons walking along top of the fence at night. We were very scared of a chicken assault so we tacked down a bunch of chicken wire around the bottom of the run and staked it down (for diggers) and covered it with dirt and mulch. Even though it is secure, I end up just shutting the door at night. I sleep better that way!
I wish I can say we built it ourselves but we didn't. We got it from an Amish company, but we did build the run!

I wish I was handy, but by golly...

Addiedunn, we are north of the city near the Broadripple area. We live near the White river so we get TONS of wildlife. In fact, a few neighbors have seen fox (not surprising) and coyote (very surprising). One of our neighbor's cats actually lived through a coyote attack. Even though we are on a pretty busy street, the Deer, possums, coons, owls, everything don't seem to hesitate to knock on our door. I think they are used living in the city!

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