Cracked beak/Chicken Trance


In the Brooder
Feb 11, 2017
Southeast Missouri
Okay, this is really two separate questions along the same vein. First, our Rhode Island Reds are around 14 weeks. Their feathers are glossy and eyes are bright. Slightly skittish even with generous handling since birth from me. One bird affectionately named Foghorn has what appears to be a cracked bill. The beak is not misaligned in any way, and eating and drinking fine. Appears to be in no distress, but it's unsettling to me because I am such a novice I am unsure if this hurts her or needs attention of some kind on my part, or if these things sometimes happen and it will heal on its own. Any thoughts on that matter would be appreciated greatly. It is only the front tip of the beak that appears like it's split or cracked.

Secondly, in attempting to research this beak issue, I was looking in this chicken textbook (for lack of a better word) that is very helpful, and came across a page on putting chickens in a trance if they are in distress when you need to tend to them. It says to place the chicken on its back and it should set it in a trance. We attempted this several times with no luck, probably because these chickens are our pets (will be used for laying eggs and being loved on only) and we were feeling like we were hurting them and causing a great amount of unnecessary stress. They completely freaked out. The book also said if that didn't work to tuck their head under a wing and rock them until they were in a trance. I can't even fathom attempting that. Is this something we should learn how to do, or SHOULD do, and if so, can anyone better explain how to go about this and what I could be doing wrong?

Any insight and info is appreciated! This is our very first time raising chickens as complete novices.
Okay, this is really two separate questions along the same vein. First, our Rhode Island Reds are around 14 weeks. Their feathers are glossy and eyes are bright. Slightly skittish even with generous handling since birth from me. One bird affectionately named Foghorn has what appears to be a cracked bill. The beak is not misaligned in any way, and eating and drinking fine. Appears to be in no distress, but it's unsettling to me because I am such a novice I am unsure if this hurts her or needs attention of some kind on my part, or if these things sometimes happen and it will heal on its own. Any thoughts on that matter would be appreciated greatly. It is only the front tip of the beak that appears like it's split or cracked.

Secondly, in attempting to research this beak issue, I was looking in this chicken textbook (for lack of a better word) that is very helpful, and came across a page on putting chickens in a trance if they are in distress when you need to tend to them. It says to place the chicken on its back and it should set it in a trance. We attempted this several times with no luck, probably because these chickens are our pets (will be used for laying eggs and being loved on only) and we were feeling like we were hurting them and causing a great amount of unnecessary stress. They completely freaked out. The book also said if that didn't work to tuck their head under a wing and rock them until they were in a trance. I can't even fathom attempting that. Is this something we should learn how to do, or SHOULD do, and if so, can anyone better explain how to go about this and what I could be doing wrong?

Any insight and info is appreciated! This is our very first time raising chickens as complete novices.

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Can you post some photos of the cracked beak?
Can you give more information on the the chicken textbook that you have - name of book, website link, etc.?
It depends on how severe the beak is cracked, broken or damaged if it needs to be repaired or left alone.

I have never heard of putting chicken in a trance. If you have a chicken in distress and it's not profusely bleeding or needing immediate emergency care, the best thing to do is place it in a quiet, semi dark area until it calms down. Excessive handling of a distressed chicken can make things worse.
I'm no expert but I'll be praying for your chicken. I had a hen a few years ago who cracked her beak, cut her eye and cut her tongue by getting her head caught under a parked lawn mower. She couldn't drink, eat or stand, but we took care of her and she recovered completely, with never any vision trouble and definitely no problems eating!
She died very peacefully of old age a few years ago. As for the thing with the trance I don't have any experience trying that. Good luck and I hope your chicken gets well soon!
I will definitely update and post pictures of both the beak and the textbook tomorrow. I am laughing about the chicken trance after reading your post, so I'll definitely post a picture of that segment, too! I promise it's really in there!
Here is the best picture of her beak we could get.
Is it split up the middle as well?

Poor dear. If she is having a hard time eating/drinking try putting her water and food in deeper bowls/dishes. You can also make her chick starter/grower into a wet mash - this may be easier to scoop instead of having to peck at dry crumbles.
No, I watched her for a very long time yesterday evening to make sure she was eating and drinking fine, and she is. Acting like her normal self completely. And it's only cracked there at the front, I looked very closely and it is not split up the middle or misaligned. Should I just continue to let her be then? Thank you for your help!
No, I watched her for a very long time yesterday evening to make sure she was eating and drinking fine, and she is. Acting like her normal self completely. And it's only cracked there at the front, I looked very closely and it is not split up the middle or misaligned. Should I just continue to let her be then? Thank you for your help!
If she were mine I would leave it be for the time being and just give her mainly soft(er) foods (wet chick starter, hard boiled egg for treats, etc.). The tip that's broken may fall off on it's own. When it does, then you could file the other side to smooth it out some. She is young, so her beak will grow on out.
Hi, I have a young hen that has a cracked beak across the middle of her beak also and I have just left it along as she also is eating and drinking ok. I did do the mush thing and they all like it but she still needs the chick food. I will get the crumble when I go to the feed store. As for the chickens not letting you hold them, my husband just helps me catch one at a time and we hold and pet it for a while and let it down. Most of mine will just get down and let me pet them and I can pick them up then. Lot's of sweet talk goes a long way also. Good luck.

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