Cracked eggs that I thought were a loss


6 Years
May 10, 2013
I just finished up incubating over 70 chickens and 15 ducks. Today makes day 29 for the ducks and so far, no hatching. The incubator was starting to smell horrible and I had to get rid of the eggs. I candled and didn't see any movement in the eggs that had developed. I cracked the first 10 or so and they were all either early losses or died recently (not sure what caused the failed hatching) but two of the eggs that I cracked had live ducks in them. I was surprised and worried as they haven't absorbed their yolks yet. I have them in the incubator now and they're still breathing and peeping. One is trying to stand up. Any advice on what I should do?

As a side note, I had over a 90% hatching rate with my chickens.
Just wait patiently and watch. There's nothing else you can do. Hope the little ones make it! Patience is the hardest attribute while hatching, but it certainly is a virtue. Good luck!
I can't believe it, but both babies made it and are now one month old & healthy! I left them in the incubator until they were moving enough and fluffy, it took two days. One of the babies was very weak after first being taken out of the incubator but after adding save-a-chick to their water, he strengthened up pretty quick. I think one is a Rouen and one is a blue runner. They are 4 weeks old and growing super fast. Right now, they're in a stall in a horse barn. I am going to eventually allow them to free range on a pond on our property. At what age will they be okay to turn out?

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AHHHHHHHH that's great news!!! I love how they look too, hehe. If I had a Runner I'd probably name him Wilt Chamberlain.

Best buds! Never one without the other. Would love to know what sex they are, any tips? Their quacks sound the same and I can't really compare them to know.

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