It’s day 29 for my runner duck eggs and ones slightly crack the other is showing this black shadow I’m gonna give it a little bit longer it I can’t here any cheeping or see movement
What do I do ?
It’s day 29 for my runner duck eggs and ones slightly crack the other is showing this black shadow I’m gonna give it a little bit longer it I can’t here any cheeping or see movement
What do I do ?
I think the best thing for you to do would be to start your own thread. Its not very likely anyone will see you in this older thread. :) This is from 2013. Go to the "Incubating and hatching eggs" forum on this site, and post a thread there.
Crossing my fingers but these comments give me a little hope!
All but 2 of my eggs have hatched. I still have 1 chick in the incubator needing to fluff before joining other babies in heat the lamp. One egg is pipped and the other had nothing, no movement or sound that I know of. I candled and the egg fluid was moving so much I couldn’t see through shell anything other then fluid moving. It was also not as heavy as the other one. I heard a lot about bag eggs exploding and infecting your other eggs and chickens, so I decided it was best to take it out. I opened the egg and there is a baby chicken in there! I feel awful! It didn’t move, chirp or bleed… I cracked it in a small bowl, panicked I am reading this website and advice! It doesn’t have any yolk but a big pink sack. I removed the shell and as much of the white embro layer as much I could without turning the chick. I put a wet paper towel over the little bowl and put it in the incubator. It was sitting out for probably 4 minutes. All the fluid is in the bowl but not covering the chick. Do you think it will live? Or is it already dead? Would it be moving? I feel terrible!! I will try to update on if the chick lives so hopefully it’s a learning experience at the least. Is bad eggs exploding really common? I feel so bad, I hope it lives.. the poor thing <\3
Please give advice!
Crossing my fingers but these comments give me a little hope!
All but 2 of my eggs have hatched. I still have 1 chick in the incubator needing to fluff before joining other babies in heat the lamp. One egg is pipped and the other had nothing, no movement or sound that I know of. I candled and the egg fluid was moving so much I couldn’t see through shell anything other then fluid moving. It was also not as heavy as the other one. I heard a lot about bag eggs exploding and infecting your other eggs and chickens, so I decided it was best to take it out. I opened the egg and there is a baby chicken in there! I feel awful! It didn’t move, chirp or bleed… I cracked it in a small bowl, panicked I am reading this website and advice! It doesn’t have any yolk but a big pink sack. I removed the shell and as much of the white embro layer as much I could without turning the chick. I put a wet paper towel over the little bowl and put it in the incubator. It was sitting out for probably 4 minutes. All the fluid is in the bowl but not covering the chick. Do you think it will live? Or is it already dead? Would it be moving? I feel terrible!! I will try to update on if the chick lives so hopefully it’s a learning experience at the least. Is bad eggs exploding really common? I feel so bad, I hope it lives.. the poor thing <\3
Please give advice!
Crossing my fingers but these comments give me a little hope!
All but 2 of my eggs have hatched. I still have 1 chick in the incubator needing to fluff before joining other babies in heat the lamp. One egg is pipped and the other had nothing, no movement or sound that I know of. I candled and the egg fluid was moving so much I couldn’t see through shell anything other then fluid moving. It was also not as heavy as the other one. I heard a lot about bag eggs exploding and infecting your other eggs and chickens, so I decided it was best to take it out. I opened the egg and there is a baby chicken in there! I feel awful! It didn’t move, chirp or bleed… I cracked it in a small bowl, panicked I am reading this website and advice! It doesn’t have any yolk but a big pink sack. I removed the shell and as much of the white embro layer as much I could without turning the chick. I put a wet paper towel over the little bowl and put it in the incubator. It was sitting out for probably 4 minutes. All the fluid is in the bowl but not covering the chick. Do you think it will live? Or is it already dead? Would it be moving? I feel terrible!! I will try to update on if the chick lives so hopefully it’s a learning experience at the least. Is bad eggs exploding really common? I feel so bad, I hope it lives.. the poor thing <\3
Please give advice!
So this chick was in fluid in the egg, and did not move, did not chirp, nothing?
When you opened the egg, were there blood vessels? You said there was no bleeding? Is the chick still in its curled up position, even after you peeled away the shell?

I'm sorry but it sounds like it died, probably a little while ago. I'm also willing to bet that the pink sac you mentioned is in fact the yolk in a deteriated condition.
If you're not certain it's dead, feel free to post a picture of the chick.
So this chick was in fluid in the egg, and did not move, did not chirp, nothing?
When you opened the egg, were there blood vessels? You said there was no bleeding? Is the chick still in its curled up position, even after you peeled away the shell?

I'm sorry but it sounds like it died, probably a little while ago. I'm also willing to bet that the pink sac you mentioned is in fact the yolk in a deteriated condition.
If you're not certain it's dead, feel free to post a picture of t

Yes when I opened the egg it was just in fluid, it didn't move at all or chirp. There were no blood vessels except for in the actual shell wall (not in or on the white film the chick was encapsulated in.) The chick was still curled up with its cute little wings covering its face. I made sure the beak wasn't submerged in the fluid (since chick is in little bowl) But yes the chick is still curled up even with the shell completely off.
Update: The chicken that pipped hatched this morning and has now passed away. The chick that I removed the shell and is in the bowl is also dead sadly. I'm not sure why the one that hatched died. My incubator was dirty because of all the other chicks that previously hatched the two days prior. Maybe that has to do with it. Maybe they were behind the whole time and too weak to get out. I'm not sure. Grateful for the sweet chicks that did make it but I wonder what I could do better in the future.

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