Crap, How do I get rid of lice??????

Hello Red Drgn....well I only have it (sevin) in liquid would I dilute it was per on the bottle then spray her and the inside of the coop? and should I keep her away from the others for now....also my chickens are in for the winter so if I spray is it safe for them?
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Having the same problem.

I went and got fresh Sevin dust at TSC. Three 1# containers for $12.99. I use it in the garden too and my old vegetable dust was OLD. (if you use it be careful not to use it around bees as it's lethal to them)

TSC had another product on the shelves, a spray, that was also for treating lice & mites. It's called Poultry Protector. It's a very weak solution of .1% potassium sorbate in water with a bit of yeast and citric acid. (oddly all wine-making ingredients, which I have).

I've sprinked my girls with the Sevin dust (not an easy thing to do by yourself!), as well as completely emptying their hen house and nests and dusting it liberally as well. The girls were *not* happy being dusted.

We're having a lot of rain for this time of year, so not many dust baths. Normally it's just really cold. They have a spot next to my husband's workshop (under the eaves) that they love when it's dry.

I'm not sure what to do about the clumps of nits stuck to the feather bases. Any ideas on that?
I have four old hens that I an debating whether to de-lice or just kill. they lay me 2-4 eggs a day and are OK, but I am about to get new chicks and want to clean out the pen so I dont infect the new chicks. anyone have any advice? my kids are attached to the old ones and I have used DE and they did dust bath, but the lice are really bad- the butt feathers are crusted in the egg at the base of the feathers. it seems a lot of work for older hens. should I just kull them? Oh, they are about 4yrs old too. Any dvice would be greatly appreicated. I thought they were fine as they had a free run to have dust baths in but I guess they weren't.
No, poultry lice won't survive on humans and human lice won't survive on poultry. So no worries there. I was also as ****** as you when I found lice on my birds a few weeks ago. Fortunately, treatment is simple.

Use either Seven (my choice) or Poultry dust. Wear long sleeves, gloves, and a dust mask when you do it and be sure to keep it away from the chicken's face. Turn them upside down (they won't like it, but will quickly give up the fuss and lay limply) and dust their bottoms (around their vents and bellies), under their wings (at the pits), the back of their heads/necks, and on their backs.

Work the dust into their feathers and down onto their skin as you go. Then release. In 7-10 days, repeat. Check them thoroughly in another 7-10 days and reapply if you find anything, but you really shouldn't need to.
This is probably the best news I've ever heard in my entire life...
This is probably the best news I've ever heard in my entire life...
What are you treating your birds with? I like Seven for when the birds are really infested (like rescues and stray birds), and DE (Diatomaceous Earth) after the Seven.
Fingers crossed for you!
Just Diatomaceous Earth. A friend of ours lent us a whole bucket because she cured a flock of one hundred in thirty days with the stuff. I'm not having much luck...
If it's not working, i would change what you are using. ASAP. Seven works wonders with my flock. Ive never had lice in my flock, and I dust once a month. You can get it at most plant nurseries.

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