Crate trained chicken?


Apr 9, 2020
Wildwood, Missouri
I have an 8.5 month old pullet that has been limping.
Since I have had to keep her in the house in a 30 x 48 inch dog crate, I had thought she had been acting kinda broody. She won't sit eggs, but she won't poop in the crate. Really, she won't go in the crate. I take her outside a few times each day with the dogs and they all do their business. She doesn't poop at night either. But as soon as I set her down outside of the crate, she goes. And it's huge.

Anyone experienced this? Can a chicken be crate trained?
Hmmmm... I don’t think it’s training, but some birds really don’t like to poop where they sit. Others couldn’t care less.
You are probably right.

My girl is weird. She has me trained too. She'll start raising a fuss, and I will take her out. She does her business. Once back in the crate she's quiet and happy again.
You are probably right.

My girl is weird. She has me trained too. She'll start raising a fuss, and I will take her out. She does her business. Once back in the crate she's quiet and happy again.
I had one kind of like that. She was staying inside during a heat wave. Didn’t hold it, but would stand up and make an unholy racket until someone cleaned the mess. It was weird, but she kept the house from smelling bad.
So husband and I were gone for 7 hours today. Big Girl spent the day crated in the house and dogs had the run of house. Come home and find Big Girl had a poop free crate, but one of the dogs dumped in the basement. My chicken is better house trained than my dog.

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