Crazy Kitten


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Gaylordsville, CT
Our seven-month old kitten, "Percival the Merciful" or Percy for short, has just begun going outside with the other cat now that it is March. Our outdoor cat and indoor/outdoor cat are both wary of our free-range chickens. Percy, on the other hand, seems to have been waiting all winter to make their acquaintance and is chasing them from across the yard like a cheetah. Needless to say, the girls are annoyed!

I'm not too worried, Percy so far has been pretty easy to train in other matters so I think a few "corrections" (me yelling from afar, lighting hitting him on the nose accompanied by a stern "No", and/or hosing him with water) should do the trick. It's times like these that I do miss my mean attack rooster, b/c he would have had Percy sorted out in no time, lol.
We have two indoor/outdoor cats too.....our black one (Big Kitty) loves the chickens, and the feeling is mutual. When they free range he just sits in the middle of them and they walk all over him. Ifthe chickens are in their run, he strolls around the perimeter and they follow him from the inside. It's really strange, and VERY cute. He's such a good kitty, never even tries to hurt them......I wonder if one of them gave him a good peck once and now he respects them.....I don't know. Here's Big Kitty with the chickens the day we got them.....I don't have a more recent one....never seem to have my camera with me when he's out with them. Pic is clickable........

That is too cute! Our black and white one (the older one) wanted to eat them up when they were little chicks, but quickly lost interest. Percy on the other hand... We have some training to do, to be sure!
i have some golden comets (2) get a small banty rooster he will fit right in
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