
In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
I had to separate my broody hen and her eggs. Ever since then, she has been acting crazy and trying to kill my other hens!!!! HELP ME!
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It looks like your hen is bound and determined to set on the eggs all right. It can be very frustrating for a hen to be taken away from an established nest. She sounds You have no rooster for egg fertilization? If not I see your point, if so why not let her finish what she started. There are always people out there looking for chicks.

If you definitely don't want chicks then I would suggest taking all the eggs away daily and soon enough she will lose her broodiness. If it becomes necessary keep her away from the eggs with separation. That way no picking on the other birds. Steve
It looks like your hen is bound and determined to set on the eggs all right. It can be very frustrating for a hen to be taken away from an established nest. She sounds You have no rooster for egg fertilization? If not I see your point, if so why not let her finish what she started. There are always people out there looking for chicks.

If you definitely don't want chicks then I would suggest taking all the eggs away daily and soon enough she will lose her broodiness. If it becomes necessary keep her away from the eggs with separation. That way no picking on the other birds. Steve
Thank you!! I do have rooster, but she has been sitting on them for over 21 days. I looked at them with a flashlight and didn't see anything.
Well, there ya go. If the eggs were fertile they should be hatching any time now. You may or should be pleasantly surprised with an addition to the flock. It could be that mamma hen knew that any time now the eggs may hatch. If you can, sneak a hand underneath her and see if any eggs are pipping yet or put a couple of eggs to the ear and listen for activity.

I am hoping you see pipping. Then you can rest a bit better after they hatch and mamma hen shouldn't be so ornery with the other hens.
I am keeping an eye on the thread to see if the good stuff happens...:) Steve
Well, there ya go. If the eggs were fertile they should be hatching any time now. You may or should be pleasantly surprised with an addition to the flock. It could be that mamma hen knew that any time now the eggs may hatch. If you can, sneak a hand underneath her and see if any eggs are pipping yet or put a couple of eggs to the ear and listen for activity.

I am hoping you see pipping. Then you can rest a bit better after they hatch and mamma hen shouldn't be so ornery with the other hens.
I am keeping an eye on the thread to see if the good stuff happens...:) Steve
Thanks! I have tried everything. I had to bust a couple of them that were half buried in the ground and they stunk!! Her eggs are now taken away from her and she is still acting crazy.
go to the feed store, and buy day old chicks and give them to her. Nothing sweeter than a broody hen with chicks. Even one or two chick will give her something to think about, and she probably has your layers so scared that they will leave the chicks alone.

Just take the chicks down at night, a cool night works best. If the chicks are slightly cold, they will cheep more, and the moment she hears them, her clucking should change, just drop one chick at a time on her back, and the chick should just dive down into the warmth and disappear from sight, add another chick..... can easily add up to a dozen, and once I had a neighbor where a big hen raised 18.

It is a lot of fun, and none of the work.

Mrs K

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