Crazy Pekin Ducks won't go into the lake!


In the Brooder
May 15, 2015
When I got my chicken coop, we stopped by Tractor Supply to see if they had any interesting chicks. I had not planned on getting ducks, but my hubby said "Look! They're only $1 each!" So we picked out two cute little yellow ducks. I have to mention, I am absolutely new to chickens and ducks! Well, the now mostly full grown Pekins are out by the lake, with an older coop that they'll go in to to eat. We have introduced them to water since they were young, bathtub, large storage container, baby pool and horse trough. Here's the crazy thing: we can NOT get these ducks to go out into the lake to swim! We even sunk the horse trough at the edge of the lake. We've tossed them in and I've never seen ducks move so fast, straight around and back out! We figured they'd be safe free range out in the lake at night, as we have hay bales in the water they can climb onto if they'd like. We also have 2 Arcona ducks, but they were raised with the chickens and get pretty upset about leaving them! Help?!?
When I got my chicken coop, we stopped by Tractor Supply to see if they had any interesting chicks. I had not planned on getting ducks, but my hubby said "Look! They're only $1 each!" So we picked out two cute little yellow ducks. I have to mention, I am absolutely new to chickens and ducks! Well, the now mostly full grown Pekins are out by the lake, with an older coop that they'll go in to to eat. We have introduced them to water since they were young, bathtub, large storage container, baby pool and horse trough. Here's the crazy thing: we can NOT get these ducks to go out into the lake to swim! We even sunk the horse trough at the edge of the lake. We've tossed them in and I've never seen ducks move so fast, straight around and back out! We figured they'd be safe free range out in the lake at night, as we have hay bales in the water they can climb onto if they'd like. We also have 2 Arcona ducks, but they were raised with the chickens and get pretty upset about leaving them! Help?!?

Ducks are pretty smart so, since they aren't afraid of water, there's likely a reason they won't go out on the lake. Snapping turtles, maybe?
If it ever stops raining here in mid-Missouri we will put out turtle traps all around the lake. We did catch one turtle, but it wasn't a snapper. We have a fair number of water snakes - could that be a problem? I trimmed all the grass back to below water level so they could see, hasn't made a difference.
If it ever stops raining here in mid-Missouri we will put out turtle traps all around the lake. We did catch one turtle, but it wasn't a snapper. We have a fair number of water snakes - could that be a problem? I trimmed all the grass back to below water level so they could see, hasn't made a difference.

LOL...not sure it's ever going to stop raining. I'm in Missouri, too, about 30 miles outside of St. Louis. Yeah, thankfully, the ducks seem to play it safe and if they see movement in the water, they aren't going in.
Well, I shouldn't have typed that with such certainty. LOL...I know mine won't go in if they see movement. Plenty of other ducks probably would take the plunge.
@SerendipityMama - Oh, I didn't even think about this: (copied from @Amiga on a different thread, "blind duckling" or something similar)

Even sighted domestic ducks can get into fatal trouble in ponds (I am speaking in general terms here, not knowing your exact setup). Ponds attract predators and open water gives raptors a straight shot.
We are having the SAME problem here in Illinois!! I have a flock that I've kept up by the house in their own coop setup with a baby pool and such. Well now that they are about 12 weeks old I've decided the should go live by our small pond so they stop crapping up by our house and deck! Well I've waited too long it seems cuz we herded all 9 down to the pond and they fought us tooth and nail! Absolutely would NOT get in the water. So we just picked each up and took turns chucking them in! I've never seen them swim so fast! They couldn't wait to get out! We've done this for several days now trying to get them used to this new bit of realastate to no avail. We've even set up a temporary pen down by pond and left them alone to sort of get used to the place. HELP!!!!

And it's my own darn fault for keeping them so close all these weeks. Now all they wanna do is beg at my back patio door for food! And they'll quack until I come out and feed them!
Whoops... ;-/

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