Crazy Water Wiggler reading (help)


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
San Martin, Ca
I have about 15 eggs that are going to go in incubator today. However I am getting some off reading. My water wiggler is reading anywhere between 102.0-102.8. My two thermometers which one if a fluker and has the temp. and humidity on it reads anywhere between 99.5-100.5. My other thermometer that came w/ the incubator reads about 100. What readings should I go off of? I am thinking maybe the batteries in the WW or the WW itself is bad. I have a hovabator forced air incubator.

Hi Kim,

Are the two thermometers placed next to each other? If not, you can get a degree
or two difference depending on where they are placed, even in forced air.

When I get different readings off of two, I go for a 3rd, and sometimes use the
drug store human digitals which in a lot of incubators, you can stick the probe part in
through the side so as to not have to open it up to read it. Only thing is they only
read temp. up, and then you have to pull it out and let it cool off and then do it
over again.

good luck. Seems like either temp would be acceptable though although I always
try for 99.5

Hello, Kim,

Use a digital household oral thermometer, on your wiggler to confirm the temp. I always leave one next to the bator and daily take the temp of the wiggler.

Presently, I have a large container of water in my bator with a lid on to act as a huge heat sink and I am using to an oral with a baggy covering it to confirm the bator temps against what my digital says (this is my quazi weasel for the moment). My thermometer that came with my hova was not very precise, the bator temp could swing a couple of degrees without it showing.

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