CRD - I just dont get it...

Yes. I provided a very good link. farmerboy got full out diagnosis confirming MG a CRD, by MSU here in Michigan.

Also those meds I suggested are very good at keeping it undercontrol at the firt sign of problems. I also forgot aureomycin crumbles. It goes in the feed to keep prevent losses while treating for CRD viruses.
Thanks NovaAman for the link and suggestions.

Per my vet, my pullets are on a 5 day dose of oxytetracycline. I am mixing 1 tablespoon with 1/2 cup of water daily, and giving them 1cc twice daily.
i guess it was my fault then, i didnt change shoes or anything else. i have alot to learn. roo boy, i have never heard of anything like this before. i just thought my flock was condemed. my mother brings up a point, growing up on farms there wasnt anything like this but mine are simply pets and they are beautiful show hens and roos that i invested a lot of time and money in and it feels like they and myself now have an uncertine future in this. boy i really need to learn to spell before i start learning how to type
I am learning that I just need accept the fact that my birds will always be susceptible to these symptoms. Living in the country and having free range birds guarantees that this would have happened at some point it seems.
Exactly. It doesn't have to be a death sentance. It does require more diligence though on your part as well. Like if you are going to a swap or show, go in clean clothes and shoes you did not wear into your birds coops/runs.

Just so you know, I do not advocate culling or advocate treatment only. I do however think you do whats best for your situation and being responsible. Like when you are having a break out, don't go into the feed stores with clothing/shoes you wear/wore into your chicken yard. If you cull birds, dispose of them by incineration (SP?) or deep burial. In the mean time, keep a closed flock... By that you can bring birds in, but don't let birds go out. If you do let birds go out, be sure it is to someone who is familiar with all the ramifications of possibly getting a carrier bird.

If you incubate, try farmerboys dipping method on the eggs. Not all CRD viruses go through the egg, but dipping is good. AND some birds are more resistant to it, build a natural immunity, and those offspring are more likely to be stronger as well. Vaccinating new hatched chicks is also a good thing if it is in your budget to do.
Thanks for the insight. I was feeling like my whole flock was ruined.

We keep our birds for personal use only.
then u are one of the lucky ones. just when u decide you need more because urs are too old wait a month or two and replace the whole flock. think the eggs are still safe to eat but u better check on that
I have sold birds yes. I usually only sell to people who can deal with any problems, have good quarantine practices. If I have something happen in my flock shortly after a sale of a bird, I inform anyone who may have purchased a bird immediately so they can be prepared should it be something that had an extensive incubation period.

Example, just had mareks hit my flock. I have had birds for 3 years now, and only just had this happen. I immediately vaccinated all birds (there is some thought that this will save/halt the virus even on older birds, and I ended up only losing 3) and I immediately informed people who had purchased birds in the months prior. They had no problems, all those birds were fine, so it was only my birds, thank God. I will for the most part keep a closed flock now. The only thing out will be eggs. I will continue to vaccinate all chicks I hatch in the bator here. Only vaccinated birds will come in.

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