
Aug 12, 2017
Central Texas
Hi everyone!
Three nights ago I had a rooster die suddenly. I heard him cackling like he was being attacked, but there were no predators around and no external wounds. He was sneezing a lot that night, so I started the flock on Tylosin powder. I just culled a hen who was sneezing and in severe respiratory distress, but no other outward symptoms other than blue comb. No nasal or eye discharge, no head swelling, no diarrhea. This came on very suddenly. I'm not sure if the two deaths are related. Has anyone seen CRD that presents like this? Any other ideas what it might be? Thanks in advance!!
CRD IS Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.) I do not believe you are dealing with MG.
I'm heavily leaning towards a fungal problem, possibly Aspergillosis. You mentioned "blue comb." Here's a link with that info:
Treatment for Aspergillosis is Oxine.
I started aureomycin in addition to the Tylan today, but if it's fungal then neither of these will be effective. I suspect her blue comb was related to her respiratory distress. However, now that I think of it, her OE father had heart related blue comb. Maybe he passed it to her? Thanks so much for the helpful info!!!

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