cream legbar eggs in Eastern PA/Western NJ?


11 Years
Jul 18, 2013
I was disappointed to have a very poor hatch rate out of shipped cream legbar eggs. Got only two roosters from 18 eggs. I would like to try again, but not right now, probably later this spring.
I think the problem occurred in shipping, either the handling or the fact temperature went down in the single digits one night and then the eggs themselves took a day more than the tracking number said they would.
If I could pick up eggs, the hatch rate might not be so dismal.
I live in the Lehigh Valley, PA, and wonder if anyone within driving distance (Eastern PA, Poconos, western NJ) sells cream legbar eggs?
I was disappointed to have a very poor hatch rate out of shipped cream legbar eggs. Got only two roosters from 18 eggs. I would like to try again, but not right now, probably later this spring.
I think the problem occurred in shipping, either the handling or the fact temperature went down in the single digits one night and then the eggs themselves took a day more than the tracking number said they would.
If I could pick up eggs, the hatch rate might not be so dismal.
I live in the Lehigh Valley, PA, and wonder if anyone within driving distance (Eastern PA, Poconos, western NJ) sells cream legbar eggs?

I am not sure which part of PA she lives in but you may want to check with Sally Sunshine as she does raise and sell crested cream legbars.
It's still hard to find CCL eggs, since the pullet chicks are so much more valuable. I bet that changes drastically in 2015, when all the people paying $20+ each for pullets all join the hatching egg supply. That's what happened to Rhodebars, Swedish Flower Hens and Breese. Personally, I'm waiting until I can get local eggs also, and not have to pay $5 each and have them shipped.

I think the people "investing" in CCL's now are going to be shocked at the price drop when they start trying to sell their eggs. This always happens with new breeds of anything.
I kind of guessed that. My personal goal is a colorful egg basket. I really like my EE's, inexpensive and lay a lot of beautiful eggs and both my husband and I like the heritage breeds.
A friend after researching breeds loved the look of the cream legbars and their eggs (EE's can have different colors. That's part of the fun.)
He was shocked by the price and thought if I could hatch some the price would obviously be less. True but we ended up with only two roosters. Three day old hen chicks shipped would have been around $200.00

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