Cream legbar lays green egg.

How disappointing this is to hear.

Here is the standard from the PCGB (Poultry Club of Great Britain). Egg Colour: Blue, Green, Olive.
Blue Green Olive.png

Here is the proposed APA standard for the USA. "Egg Shell: Blue or Green"
Blue Green Olive.png
I don't get it.
Legbars are known for autosexing and blue eggs. Why include green egg layers?
I know there's to many that had the brown egg genes brought in and its a mess but what's the reasoning?
Just easier to except them then try to breed them out or what?
I love the legbars but boy they've been a heartache since they got here. I've been wanting to get back into them but there's always one thing or another going wrong with them IMO.
It's GFF inept breeding department/program/specialist that has brought this mess upon many.
I don't get it.
Legbars are known for autosexing and blue eggs. Why include green egg layers?
I know there's to many that had the brown egg genes brought in and its a mess but what's the reasoning?
Just easier to except them then try to breed them out or what?
I love the legbars but boy they've been a heartache since they got here. I've been wanting to get back into them but there's always one thing or another going wrong with them
Everything CAN be put back on GFF since they're the ones that brought them here in the first place but...
I agree there is a lot of blame to put on them. I've got issues with them myself. Most reflect there lack of knowledge and over eagerness to make maximum money as their focus. But hey no one's perfect.
The problems go well beyond GFF. A lot is the lack knowledge on most all of our parts. I raised CCL myself and until today I was unaware that green eggs were acceptable.
When I was first into them I knew breeders that were crossing them with brown leghorns and advising me to do the same which i knew would be a mistake. And yes others were doing worse crosses.
I remember trying like crazy to breed out the green egg layers. I remember then the frosts started popping up and I bred like crazy to get out the recessive white genes while I guess others started breeding for it.
I remember worrying about birds without the cream gene.
Seems from the top to the bottom we were all on a different page. Frosts are now accepted. Golden creles are now acceptable. Now green eggs are now acceptable.
Seems crazy just being a hillbilly breeder I was trying desperately to breed away from what I thought I was supposed to be while it seems the more serious breeders were just making everything acceptable.
I actually have a few legbar project birds now and need to get back into the legbars to further my project.
I thought as long as I've been away from them that a lot of progress would of been made but now I'm not so sure how much if any has.
I tip my hat to any off you all that have still been plugging away with them for all these years.
Love the breed but man it doesn't seem like the wheels have turned very fast. Such a shame for such an amazing breed that still continues to be so popular.

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