Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I like the second Logo too, it looks more balanced.

Hope your roos make it too-I am so excited about mine as well. His crest is very large already, and it makes his comb floppy, but his color is beautiful! GROW, chickies, GROW!

So cute, so puffy, so ROOSTER-Y (like little-boy cranky?) -- Very light coloring and not much red. The little 3-month old cockerel here is doing is rusty start up crowing and growing saddle feathers and adding long stringy feathers to his fluffy barred comb. If I get a picture today I will post him in the legbar thread...or the cream legbar thread of all the threads that have Cream Legbar info.... getting hard to track -- but I love pictures of the birds that folks around the country are raising. Thanks for putting him in.

BTW - I also like the #2 capitals logo -- it will be interesting to see what the club votes in -- once we have a club -- pretty soon I think.
I'm also a fan of all capitals #2. I like the logo a lot.

How great to hear and see the progress folks are making toward lightening the color of the birds with the stock we already have.
Count my vote for #2 all caps, too. I think it is getting all the attention!

babymakes6, love that little roosters expression in the second picture. He looks quite ticked at getting his photo taken.

Big accident here yesterday, a truck left the road and took out our fences and hit our house. Luckily all children were inside and the chickens and dog were away from the fence at the time. Counting my blessings today.

I agree with the number 2 , It does look more balanced. I need to get out and take some pictures of my three babies. I will be incubating 7 more starting today, they are still resting from the ride here.

OH RINDA, so thankful all are ok! How scary, did your house get much damage? Man they must have been flying!
It doesn't appear so, but we want someone with structural expertise to take a look at it. You can see the corner of the house where the white paint looks gray- the cinder blocks actually chipped there. A little to the left he would have gone through to the boys' room. A little to the right he would have continued into the backyard and hit the chicken coop. Yes he was obviously flying. We live on a straight road with only one stop, speed limit 30. Truck repair place at one end of the street next to a highway and a main road parallel to the hightway at the other end, so big trucks cut through the neighborhood going too fast all the time. I am seriously checking into getting a neighborhood petition to get some speed humps put in. The police took him straight for drug testing. His story isn't adding up. But the company he was driving for had insurance (THANK GOODNESS) and they are already lining us up to get it taken care of. He will probably lose his job.

ETA: This is where he finally stopped after taking out the neighbor's mailbox, a telephone pole, two fences, and a small tree along our whole property line. And he smashed up our coldframe greenhouse so there is glass everywhere. And he's on top of my Don Juan rosebush.
He only stopped because of our rock flowerbed that got decimated. Then he backed up. We think he would have driven off if he could have- but the chain link fence wrapped around his tires had him stopped pretty good.
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WOW! So glad everyone is safe!:hugs

Ditto! That's super-scary.
And gotta love cinderblock!

We have a neighbor who lives at a 90-degree turn in the road; her house was hit a couple of times over the years. Now she has big rocks across the front of the yard. After how much the truck on your street took out, I wonder if the rocks will work. . . .
LOL Maybe not for a F-550 flatbed going 50 in a 30. Ironically- we do have a small rock border around our fenceline (keeps the dogs from digging out or in), not super high but not something you drive over on purpose....


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