Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Walt is very right when he mentions body is the important thing. Very few Legbars (especially that I've seen in photos) meet the type description and that should be fixed before color, but I do think that the color issue needs to be in back of mind due to the red being very hard to get rid of, especially without bringing in another breed that may (or may not) mess up the auto sexing.
Not only the leggyness, but also the size of the comb and waffles, you really do know it is a youngish cockerel.

Probably also would have much more development in the saddle feathers by the time it was mature... And now that you mention it, dretd, yep, the spurs are small. I'm going to guess in the neighborhood of 4 months old...
Hi I am new to the site and thought maybe I could contribute something to your project you are welcome to modify it as you wish. It is based on the 1905 American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection for the Black Sumatra Breed. I hope it will help you guys get something more going and thought I would offer it to the site as a template for any breed or breeder to use. All I ask is you don't go selling it. I can't attach it here so will try to upload it to my profile instead otherwise ill just have to pm it to anyone interested. I put a print preview here to look at as well.

Edited again as I can't upload it to my deviant art account either. .ods files don't work for uploading there =(.
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So here are some ideas. I tried 3 different font styles and other symbols like the stars and flags - remember these are working roughs so input is needed to get to something with consensus. The pair of birds are from Punnetts Legbar paper. I have to admit I kept the dark blue because it just seemed to add the best and most contrast. Was not sure which star folks might prefer so they would appear as a pair of either filled or stroked stars on each side.
I like the 2nd one down on the right because it shows the barring of the breed. Would prefer the light blue background though
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Hi Darkangael-

It was quite a while ago when we were discussing logo, after much thought, discussion, and modification, the club voted and this was the final choice. You will notice the outlines were tweaked quite a bit. We felt it was important to have a sharp logo that would look good in just a few colors so we went with a silhouette.

That is a cool form, good for seeing everything at once and evaluating your own birds. May I have permission to share it with the rest of the Cream Legbar Club in the google clubhouse where we store important documents and links (with proper citation to you and your use clause of course)? Would you mind e-mailing it to me at [email protected]? Thanks for sharing!
I know it was old but only just started so figured if you guys hadn't picked yet I would vote
. Absolutely will email it to you, and I don't mind you sharing it at all I can also make changes if needed have started seeing a standard coming together while I'm wading through the pages of this thread =).

Spelling, punctuation *sigh*
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