Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Aww those dead chicks just make me kinda sad. Educational though it is ill admit. Want to see an update of that little pullet I first posted to ask you about the head spot?

She's kinda dark really


Someone said their girls that started out with head spots had nice silver or cream crests. Just doesn't look like this one necessarily will. She's about 7 weeks.
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Keep an eye on her WH. Some of mine with dark or golden crests came in gray barred with their third set of feathers.  Best wishes!
Thanks for the wishes! If not though I need breakfast eggs too :). I like all chickens I think. Will wait until she's well grown up to decide.
Here are Elvis' before and after a month of game bird feed:


another before




One more after

He's still little but he went from looking like a chick to at least bigger than the hens in a month. Ill have to weigh him one of these days.

(As a side note I will never be offended at comments about my birds type or color or otherwise I'm just glad to hear your thoughts and try to learn).
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What a big difference in Elvis. He looks much healthier in the second set of photos! Wonder what the weight graph of CLs is and what they should weigh at various ages to have optimum health. I know my first CL chicks weighed about the same as their eggs when they were first hatched. Next hatch - I think I am going to graph weekly weights.
That is a great idea. I just got my fish scale so am excited to weigh a bunch of chickens but this change for him is between six and seven months of age give or take maybe a week so. (I regained him back from a friend a month ago) So to me this looks like he's capable of just delaying growth significantly until the food becomes available. Only saying that because every single other CL from the same hatch grew "normally" and much earlier than him. What a great tool it would be to have a healthy growth curve to reference. Ill track weekly weights on my next hatch as well.
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That is a great idea. I just got my fish scale so am excited to weigh a bunch of chickens but this change for him is between six and seven months of age give or take maybe a week so. (I regained him back from a friend a month ago) So to me this looks like he's capable of just delaying growth significantly until the food becomes available. Only saying that because every single other CL from the same hatch grew "normally" and much earlier than him. What a great tool it would be to have a healthy growth curve to reference. Ill track weekly weights on my next hatch as well.
Great - the more of that type of info we get...the more data in the mix - the greater the accuracy will be.
I was taking some pictures today and I thought I'd share this one - its a good example of the difference in hackle color. The darker one on the right is going to be a cull, she also has darker feathers on her chest instead of the solid salmon coloring

These are much lighter and much preferred


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